Firefox wisy abo wěcej njereagěrujo

Wersijowe informacije
  • Wersijowy ID: 109322
  • Napórany:
  • Awtor: milupo
  • Komentar: partial translation
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Žrědłowy kod wersije
Wopśimjeśe wersije

Gaž Firefox wisy, pśestanjo na waše kliknjenja a tastowe tłocenja reagěrowaś, njecyni pó wšem zdaśu nic a jo ako „zamarznjony“. W titelowej rědce pokazujo se teke „(Žedno wótegrono)“ a kursor myški buźo wjerśecy se kólaskosypawka, gaž jo nad woknom Firefox.Myška buźo wjerśecy se cakajucy kursor, gaž jo nad woknom Firefox. Toś ten nastawk wopisujo někotare rozwězanja, we wótwisnosći wót togo, gdy Firefox wisy.

Aby problemy z wisecym se Firefox rozwězował, kótarež njewobjadnaju se w toś tom nastawku, abo jolic naraźone rozwězanja njerozwězuju problem, glejśo Problemy Firefox diagnosticěrowaś a rozwězaś.

Pokaz: Funkcija Firefox wótnowiś móžo wjele problemow pśez wótnowjanje standardnego stawa Firefox rozwězaś a składujo pśi tom waše nejwažnjejše daty. Rozwažćo toś tu móžnosć, nježli až zachopijośo dlijuce se pytanje za zawinu a rozwězanim problema.
Pokaz: Jolic sćelośo wugbaśowe daty, buźo Mozilla daty wó toś tom problemje gromaźiś, aby pśichodne wersije Firefox pólěpšył.

Firefox wisy pśipadnje

Jolic Firefox wisy zazdaśim pśipadnje, a nic pó specielnej akciji (na pśikład pó ześěgnjenju abo skóńcenju Firefox), wopytajśo rozwězanja z toś togo wótrězka.

Nowu datowu banku za cytańske znamjenja a historiju załožyś

Jolic Firefox periodiski wisy, móžo wobškóźona datowa banka za places.sqlite wina byś.

Pokaz: Datowa banka "places.sqlite" składujo pśispomnjeśa, cytańske znamjenja faworitowe symbole, zapodawańsku a pśeglědowańsku historiju (datowa sajźba woglědanych bokow).

Aby nowu datowu banku places.sqlite załožył, cyńśo slědujuce:

Warnowanje: To wulašujo wašu pśeglědowańsku historiju a cytańske znamjenja toś togo dnja.
  1. Pśedłoga "ProfileFolder" njeeksistěrujo abo njama pśizwólonu wersiju.
  2. Klikniśo na meni Firefox Fx89menuButton a wubjeŕśo Skóńcyś. Klikniśo na meni Firefox górjejce na wobrazowce a wubjeŕśo Firefox skóńcyś.Klikniśo na meni Firefox Fx89menuButton a wubjeŕśo Skóńcyś.

    Cakajśo, až Firefox njejo se dopołnje skóńcył.

Pytajśo a pśemjeńśo dataji places.sqlite do places.sqlite.old a places.sqlite-journal do places.sqlite-journal.old (jolic eksistěrujo) w profilowem zarědniku Firefox.

    • Aby dataju pśemjenił, klikniśo na nju z pšaweju tastu a wubjeŕśo Pśemjeniś z menijaklikniśo na nju jaden raz, aby ju wubrał a klikniśo drugi raz na datajowe mě, aby jo wobźěłujobne cynił. Pśidajśo pótom .old na kóńcu mjenja
  1. Skóńcnje wócyńśo Firefox znowego.
    • Gaž Firefox wócynja se znowego, załožyjo nowu datowu banku places.sqlite. Waša pśeglědowańska historija se zgubijo, ale Firefox buźo waše cytańske znamjenja awtomatiski z nejnowšeje zawěsćeńskeje dataje importěrowaś.

Hardwarowe póspěšenje znjemóžniś

Z wěstymi nastajenjami grafikowych kórtow a jich grafikowymi gónjakami móžo Firefox wisaś, gaž hardwarowe póspěšenje se wužywa. Móžośo hardwarowe póspěšenje znjemóžniś, aby glědał, lěc to rozwěžo waš problem.

  1. Klikniśo w menijowej rědce górjejce na wobrazowce na Firefox a wubjeŕśo Nastajenja. Klikniśo na menijowy tłocašk Fx57Menu a wubjeŕśo NastajenjaNastajenja.Klikniśo na menijowy tłocašk Fx89menuButton a wubjeŕśo Nastajenja.

  2. Wubjeŕśo wótrězk Rozšyrjony a rejtark Powšykny.
  3. Wótpórajśo kokulku pśed Hardwarowe póspěšenje wužywaś, jolic k dispoziciji.
  4. Klikniśo na meni Firefox Fx89menuButton a wubjeŕśo Skóńcyś. Klikniśo na meni Firefox górjejce na wobrazowce a wubjeŕśo Firefox skóńcyś.Klikniśo na meni Firefox Fx89menuButton a wubjeŕśo Skóńcyś.

  5. Startujśo Firefox, ako cyniśo to zwětšego.

Jolic problem wěcej njenastawa, jo hardwarowe póspěšenje nejskerjej wina było. Móžośo wopytowaś, swóje grafikowe gónjaki aktualizěrowaś, aby glědał, lěc to rozwěžo waš problem abo Firefox jadnorje bźez hardwarowego póspěšenja wužywaś.

Troubleshoot your plugins

Sites that use plugins such as Java, Adobe Reader, or Flash can cause Firefox to hang. For information on troubleshooting plugins and on determining whether a plugin is causing your problem, see the Zmólki z tykacami ako Flash abo Java pytaś, aby se ceste problemy z Firefox rozwězali article.

Delete duplicated Session Restore files

Firefox may be slow to respond or hang if multiple copies of its Session Restore file have been created:

  1. Wócyńśo swój profilowy zarědnik:

    • Klikniśo na menijowy tłocašk Wobraz "Fx57menu" njeeksistěrujo., pón na Pomoc a wubjeŕśo Dalšne informacije za rozwězowanje problemowInformacije za rozwězowanje problemow.Wubjeŕśo z menija Pomoc Dalšne informacije za rozwězowanje problemowInformacije za rozwězowanje problemow. Rejtarik Informacije za rozwězowanje problemow se wócynijo.
    • Klikniśo pód wobceŕkom Zakłady nałoženja pódla profilowego zarědnikazarědnika na Zarědnik wócyniśW Finder pokazaśZarědnik wócyniś. Wokno se wócynijo, kótarež waš profilowy zarědnik wopśimujo. Waš profilowy zarědnik se wócynijo.
    Glědajśo: Jolic njamóžośo Firefox wócyniś abo wužywaś, slědujśo instrukcijam w nastawku Waš profil namakaś, mimo až se Firefox wócynja.

  2. Klikniśo na meni Firefox Fx89menuButton a wubjeŕśo Skóńcyś. Klikniśo na meni Firefox górjejce na wobrazowce a wubjeŕśo Firefox skóńcyś.Klikniśo na meni Firefox Fx89menuButton a wubjeŕśo Skóńcyś.

  3. Locate and delete the sessionstore.js file and any copies, such as sessionstore-1.js, sessionstore-2.js.

Change the PAC implementation

If you're using a proxy auto-config file (PAC), Firefox may hang when you attempt to load sites that don't exist or that you haven't opened recently. To determine if you use an automatic proxy configuration file:

  1. Klikniśo w menijowej rědce górjejce na wobrazowce na Firefox a wubjeŕśo Nastajenja. Klikniśo na menijowy tłocašk Fx57Menu a wubjeŕśo NastajenjaNastajenja.Klikniśo na menijowy tłocašk Fx89menuButton a wubjeŕśo Nastajenja.

  2. Click the Advanced icon.
  3. Click the Network tab.
  4. Click Settings. The Connection Settings dialog appears.
  5. If Automatic proxy configuration URL is selected, you are using an automatic proxy configuration file. Do not disable this setting, which will prevent you from accessing the Internet. Instead, provide this workaround to your network administrator.
  6. Click Cancel.

Firefox hangs while playing Flash videos

See Playing Flash videos makes Firefox hang.

Firefox hangs after using it for a long time

Update Firefox

The latest Firefox versions includes improvements in memory usage, especially during long sessions. Update Firefox to the latest version.

Restart Firefox

Firefox may hang if left open for long periods of time. To fix the issue, restart Firefox.

If you regularly leave Firefox open so that you return to where you left off, you may want to use Firefox's Session Restore feature. For more information, see Configuring session restore.

Firefox hangs while loading the first window

Speed up Session Restore

If you have many tabs to restore, Firefox may hang while loading those sites. Make sure that Don't load tabs until selected is checked in the Tabs panel of the OptionsPreferences window so that only the last selected tab is loaded at startup. You can also try to use Tab Groups so that only websites in the visible tab group load first.

Firefox hangs when downloading files or saving images

If Firefox hangs when you attempt to download a file or save an image, try these solutions:

Clear download history

Firefox may hang when downloading files if your download history has grown too large. To clear the download history:

  1. At the top of the Firefox window, click on the Firefox button (Tools menu in Windows XP), and then click DownloadsOn the menu bar, click on the Tools menu, and then click DownloadsAt the top of the Firefox window, click on the Tools menu, and then click Downloads. The Downloads window will open.Click the Downloads button fx20 download icon and then click Show All Downloads. The Library window will open.
  2. Click Clear List. The download history is cleared.Click Clear Downloads to delete the download history.
  3. Download some sample files to see if the hanging has stopped.

Choose a different download folder

Firefox may hang if the last download folder location (e.g. a shared volume or USB drive) is no longer available. To fix this:

  1. Klikniśo w menijowej rědce górjejce na wobrazowce na Firefox a wubjeŕśo Nastajenja. Klikniśo na menijowy tłocašk Fx57Menu a wubjeŕśo NastajenjaNastajenja.Klikniśo na menijowy tłocašk Fx89menuButton a wubjeŕśo Nastajenja.

  2. Select the General panel.
  3. In the Downloads pane, select Save files to and click the Browse button.
  4. In the Browse For Folder window, choose a new folder location.
  5. Zacyńśo bok about:preferences. Wšykne změny, kótarež sćo pśewjadł, budu se awtomatiski składowaś.

See if you are now able to download files or save images. If this works, you can go back to your Firefox settings, if you wish, and select Always ask me where to save my files.

Disable virus scan in Firefox preferences

With some antivirus programs, the virus scan that Firefox starts after files are downloaded may cause Firefox to hang. You can disable virus scanning with the following steps (this will not disable your antivirus program):

  1. Zapódajśo about:config do adresowego póla a tłocćo .
    Warnowański bok se snaź zjawijo. Klikniśo na Akceptěrujom riziko!Riziko akceptěrowaś a pókšacowaś, aby k bokoju about:config šeł.
  2. Locate the preference and double click it to change the value to false.

Firefox hangs when you quit it

Sometimes when you close Firefox, it may stop responding and remain in memory, even though no Firefox windows are open. This can prevent Firefox from working properly the next time you open it or you may see a "Close Firefox" dialog box with an error message, Firefox is already running, but is not responding.A copy of Firefox is already open. You must then end all Firefox processes or restart the computer before you can reopen Firefox (see Zmólkowa powěźeńka "Firefox južo běžy, ale njewótegranja" for other causes and solutions).

Close Firefox completely

  1. Klikniśo na meni Firefox Fx89menuButton a wubjeŕśo Skóńcyś. Klikniśo na meni Firefox górjejce na wobrazowce a wubjeŕśo Firefox skóńcyś.Klikniśo na meni Firefox Fx89menuButton a wubjeŕśo Skóńcyś.

  2. Close any remaining dialog boxes or secondary windows such as the Downloads window.

If Firefox processes that remain in memory at exit are a recurring problem, try the following solutions.

Troubleshoot your extensions

A problematic extension can cause the problem, which can be resolved by disabling or uninstalling the extension. For information on diagnosing and fixing problems caused by faulty extensions, see the Problemy z rozšyrjenjami, drastwami a hardwarowym póspěšenim rozwězaś article.

Update or disable the Java plugin

Sometimes Java applets can cause the Firefox process to persist after exit. Try updating Java to the latest version by going to Mozilla's plugin check page or, if you don't need the Java plugin, you can disable it from the Plugins panel of the Firefox Add-ons Manager. For more information, see Tykac Java za interaktiwne wopśimjeśe wužywaś.

Troubleshoot your Internet security software

Interactions between certain Internet security software (firewall, anti-virus software) is reported to cause hangs on some systems. You can try to configure your firewall to see if it helps the hang go away.

Based on information from Firefox hangs (mozillaZine KB)