GitHub Registry List
on GitHub the commands are all based on Java https://github.com/mozilla/policy-templates#preferences
Is there a list of all available registry settings? Or where do these Java options come from, where can I read them out?
All Replies (20)
What do you mean??? It's not based on Java.
ok i wasn't sure if it was based on java.
I have a problem distributing a Firefox registry entry via GPO.
It's about this one: browser.download.always_ask_before_handling_new_types
I tried to distribute this value together with another value.
In my GPO it looks like this:
{ "network.http.phishy-userpass-length": { "value": 255, "status": "default" }, "browser.download.always_ask_before_handling_new_types": { "Value": true, "status": "default" } }
The Userpass value works but the other one doesn't, do you know why?
Maybe because of the capitalized "Value": true, => "value": true,
I wrote it lowercase now. But start again:
I created a REG_MULTI_SZ named Preferences and distributed it to all clients via GPO.
The path is: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox
The value is currently entered as follows:
{ "network.http.phishy-userpass-length": { "value": 255, "status": "default" }, "browser.download.always_ask_before_handling_new_types": { "value": true, "status": "default" } }
Now it is currently the case that both values are not entered in Firefox. Am I doing something wrong or do I have to enter it somehow differently?
value and status are supposed to be capitalized.
``` { "network.http.phishy-userpass-length": { "Value": 255, "Status": "default" }, "browser.download.always_ask_before_handling_new_types": { "Value": true, "Status": "default" } } ```
it seems to be working, thank you very much.
Can I add a completely new file extension to Firefox as an alternative to the "browser.download.always_ask_before_handling_new_types" value?
I want the .iqo extension to open directly with our document management system.
I have created the following registry value but unfortunately it does not work:
Path: Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox\Handlers (REG_MULTI_SZ)
{ "extensions": { "iqo": { "action": "useHelperApp", "ask": false, "handlers": [{ "name": "DMS", "path": "Q:\\DMSProducts\\DMS\\System\\DMS.exe" }] } } }
Does somebody has any idea?
Do you know if those files are served with a specific mime type?
I am not sure I know this file extension can only be explicitly opened with our document management system.
Is it even possible to enter new file extensions in Firefox via the registry?
> Is it even possible to enter new file extensions in Firefox via the registry?
It is, the problem is that if the file is sent with a mime type like "application/octet-stream", the extension might not be honored.
Basically mime type wins over extension.
I'm seeing what I can figure out.
If you associate it manually, does it work?
If so, you can give me the file handlers.json from your Firefox profile and I can figure things out.
When I click on this file type, Firefox asks which program I want to use to open it and DMS.exe comes up right away when I select it
But I would like the DMS to open directly when I click on this file type.
How can i send you the handlers.json ?
You can send it to mkaply at mozilla.com
If you want to know where it is, you can go to about:support and it will tell you where the profile is.
Make sure you select for DMS to "open always" so I get the right information.
did you get the file? In any case, the file extension .iqo does not appear in the list of applications in Firefox.
Only if I set the value "browser.download.always_ask_before_handling_new_types" to "true" will it be asked with which application it should be opened.
So yes, it looks like your handlers.json, I don't see an entry for iqo so we don't seem to add a specific handler for it.
What happens if you don't set browser.download.always_ask_before_handling_new_types to true, does it just download?
yes exactly it is then simply downloaded and then has to open it with a double click.
Sorry this is getting so complicated. I appreciate your responsiveness.
So in the new UI where it autodownloads, the way you get it to always open is after downloading, click the download icon on the toolbar, right click and select "Always open similar files"
After doing this, I'm hoping there will be an entry in Applications when you go to about:preferences.
Can you check?
If it's easier, we can do this on a video call. Feel free to reach out to me privately if you want to do that.
Unfortunately, when I download this file in Friefox, the message "Always open similar files" does not appear either.
I think that's probably too complicated in this case. But it's not so bad if the question appears with which program I want to open this file.
Thanks a lot for your help
If there was some way I could download one of these files on the web somewhere, I could debug.
i can send you one of this file, if that's okay with you?
do you need the dms program for this?
I need to see the actual mime type to understand how the download works.
What software are you using? I can reach out to the developer.