تطفا اگر مشکلی وجود دارد رفع کنید تشکر بسیار
تطفا اگر مشکلی وجود دارد رفع کنید تشکر بسیار
running windows 11 on pc, all up to date and current ver. of ff. I do genealogy research and wonder why firefox won't work as Chrome? I'm trying to copy 1850 census reco… (read more)
running windows 11 on pc, all up to date and current ver. of ff.
I do genealogy research and wonder why firefox won't work as Chrome? I'm trying to copy 1850 census record to Excel spreadsheet for research purposes. Seems this can only be done in Chrome. Firefox can you do this as well? I've not been able to do it. PS not really fond of Chrome but have to use it. Any suggestions? Thank you, Linda
So I noticed that for websites without CSS files or some websites seem to have Firefox's dark color scheme automatically applied to them. I do like websites auto-syncing … (read more)
So I noticed that for websites without CSS files or some websites seem to have Firefox's dark color scheme automatically applied to them. I do like websites auto-syncing with my theme, but I don't want Firefox to force the color scheme either.
My laptop doesn't have this weird side effect so I don't know if it's a feature I enabled or somehting.
I am running TB 128.7.0esr (64-bit) on Windows 10. Last month(?) the time format for calendar entries changed from 12hr to 24hr. Then I saw that it also changed the time … (read more)
I am running TB 128.7.0esr (64-bit) on Windows 10. Last month(?) the time format for calendar entries changed from 12hr to 24hr. Then I saw that it also changed the time format in mailbox entries. I wanted to go back to 12 hr.
After a lot of searching, I FOUND A FIX posted in this Linux forum:
The time format is specified in a TB preference, intl.date_time.pattern_override.time_short using the Config Editor.
Go to Tools - Settings - General.
Press the Config Editor button - it is at the bottom of the General section, on the right.
In the screen that comes up, enter the preference name:
It shows the current value. On my system it was HH:mm.
On the right side, press the pencil icon to change the value per below.
When done, press the Check box.
The time format is a single stream in 4 parts:
hour - separator - minute - meridian
Note: No dashes or spaces between the parts.
Part 1 - H is 24hr HH is 24hr with leading 0
h is 12hr hh is 12hr with leading 0
Part 2 - separator character. Typically : Part 3 - mm is 2 digit minute Part 4 - bb displays AM/PM/noon. If blank, nothing displayed.
I use h:mmbb for 12 hr format with no leading 0, and meridian.
8:05AM, 12:00noon, 10:14PM
I believe this will work for all versions on all platforms.
my firefox logo is to the side after i restarted my laptop, and the zoom is messed up, please help
I asked this question two years ago and the chosen solution no longer works for newer versions of Firefox. (135 in my case) . setting editor.use_div_for_default_newlines … (read more)
I asked this question two years ago and the chosen solution no longer works for newer versions of Firefox. (135 in my case) . setting editor.use_div_for_default_newlines in about:config to FALSE does not work.
I am tired of pressing SHIFT <enter> to getAny new setting I could use to get
for pressing the enter key?
GIANT firefox logo is bigger than my site icon thingamajigs! How to eliminate or at least reduce please
how to enable javascript
Amazon often times out before opening,ebay, face book both ok. is fire fox stopping amazone? thanks Reg
can you establish filters in the same way that you establish them on the windows app? If so, do the work in conjunction with my windows filters?
Hello community, i would like to ask about how to deploy security.pki.certificate_transparency.disable_for_hosts globally for users? With version 135 a lot of producti… (read more)
Hello community,
i would like to ask about how to deploy security.pki.certificate_transparency.disable_for_hosts globally for users? With version 135 a lot of production webapps stopped working and as of now , we have to do manual modification in about:config. Our company has over 300k users , so the possible disruption might arise very quickly and there will be significant loses in production enviroment.
Is there a way how to deploy this specific setting via GPO/SCCM ?
Thank you
Здравствуйте,у меня в вашем мобильном браузере firefox есть один надоедливый баг,когда включаешь режима вида для пк,и выходишь из браузера в другое приложение,то режим ви… (read more)
Здравствуйте,у меня в вашем мобильном браузере firefox есть один надоедливый баг,когда включаешь режима вида для пк,и выходишь из браузера в другое приложение,то режим вида для пк ломается,и при обратном заходе в firefox вид для пк отключается,при этом сам тумблер вида для пк,показывает что он включен,и что бы исправить этот баг постоянно приходится полностью закрывать браузер,и заходить в него обратно.телефон Poco F5, android 14, hyper os 1,новейшая версия мобильного firefox.Прошу исправьте этот баг-глюк
I have the latest updates on Firefox but it will not save my bookmarks when I go to bookmark a tab. Why?
For layout I have wide view, the folder pane and message list headers. In folder pane under 'Local Folders' there are two sub headings entitled "Local Folders" and "Loca… (read more)
For layout I have wide view, the folder pane and message list headers. In folder pane under 'Local Folders' there are two sub headings entitled "Local Folders" and "Local Folders2". This is troublesome when I want to archive an email in one of the folders listed. Why are there two listtings of the exact file folder names?
could You rate me ,if I can setup again the win11 or I can do something else?
Gutent Tag, alle neuen E.-Mails werden nach dem Eingang sofort in den Papierkorb geschoben. Warum
Translate Myanmar voice download English and Myanmar translate by voice help me
There is a thing on my phone from your company and I don’t know how to get it off many it’s GitHub I’m not sure but I need help it is being used to block my from my accou… (read more)
There is a thing on my phone from your company and I don’t know how to get it off many it’s GitHub I’m not sure but I need help it is being used to block my from my account and use my iCloud and put eSIMs on my phone
I have connected Microsoft emails but unable to send them. error popping up need help to set up Microsoft high volume email as well . all error popping up and cannot se… (read more)
I have connected Microsoft emails but unable to send them. error popping up
need help to set up Microsoft high volume email as well . all error popping up and cannot send emails. need help please
Can I set the Firefox default print setting to the Mac print system dialogue box? I have looked at about:config and searched for a setting without success.