How to tag multiple bookmars in folder and sub folders?
I want to tag a lot of bookmaks in a folders and its sub folders. I don't find a way to do that niether addon.
Can anyone help me?
All Replies (5)
Click the menu button to open the menu panel. Click the Library button on your toolbar.
Click on the folder that holds the bookmark you want to move. Drag the bookmark over the folder you want it moved to. Release the button to move the bookmark into the folder.
Greetings, TG
Thank you for your help but it's not even close of my demand. I don't want to move any bookmark.
I'm not aware of a way to tag multiple bookmarks at once, for instance there is no paste choice present if you right-click a specific tag folder in the left panel or the right panel in the Bookmarks Manager (Library). The only way I see to add a tag is via the details pane in the Library or via the edit panel (right-click context menu) of a bookmark. You can consider to create a feature request.
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It's possible to tag multiple bookmarks by selecting them and add a tag in the text area dedicated to but you can't select bookmarks in sub menu and if you have a lot of sub menu it could take hours to do it manually.
You also can make a search and select the result (or a part of it) to insert a tag but you can't select the folder where you want to make the search. Otherwise it could be possible to make a search of every bookmarks in a folder, select the result and tag all of them. there are add-on to search in a specific folder but you can't select and tag the result.
I know that making a search in a specific folder is a feature requested for years. So I'm going to follow your advice but with no expectation.
I have thousand bookmarks that I'm unable to classify since there is no tools for it. It is what it is
Thank you, anyway.
On the left there's "tags" - you can open it for the list of tags and then drag multiple selected bookmars to any one tag on the list on the left - like into a folder.