Error 403, feature not working, etc... Firefox less ans less compatible
I've noticed that Firefox becomes less and less comptatible to websites as time goes by. My last example : https://www.registreentreprises.gouv.qc.ca/
At first, I thought it had to do with the privacy features and all, and still think it does somehow. Some features just won't work, websites don't show some parts, etc. My first reflex until a few months ago was to try accessing later, maybe something is wrong with the website now and will work later... Later I end-up using Edge. Now my reflex is: let's check if it works in Edge... and it does! This is becoming worse; reaching the wanna drop Firefox all together point.
Websites are working perfectly in Edge or Chrome, but not Firefox. Firefox is no longer showing up as "approved" on most websites. Why is that?
As a long time user of Firefox, and monthly donator, I'm starting to get feed-up with this increasing problem. I don't have time and should not have to debug Firefox as a user. I just want to browse the internet, nor make a statement to the world that I believe Firefox is the purest. Browsers should just work 100%, that's it.
Please fix this.
All Replies (1)
That site does not seem to accept secure (HTTPS) connections, you need to drop back to an insecure (HTTP) connection:
Curiously, although a secure connection to that home page isn't allowed, the payment page accepts a secure connection:
So this is an older style of security design where your privacy wasn't guarded for general site use, only for what the site considers sensitive data.
Perhaps the reason you are having problems in Firefox is the "HTTPS Only" mode? If that is causing too many problems, you can turn it off. See: HTTPS-Only Mode in Firefox.