How do I change my DNS settings?
This article will show you how to change your DNS settings on Mozilla VPN and why you might want to do that.
Get started with the Mozilla VPN extension
The VPN extension complements the main VPN app, offering flexible controls to secure your browsing activity and customize VPN settings without altering your device-wide VPN protection.
Protect your container tabs with Mozilla VPN
Mozilla VPN encrypts your connection so that third parties can't track your online activity. Learn how to add this protection to Containers.
A program on your computer interferes with the Mozilla VPN extension
You got a message saying that “A program on your computer may be causing issues with the Mozilla VPN extension”. Here's how you can fix that.
Multi-Hop - Encrypt your data twice for enhanced security while using Mozilla VPN
Add an extra layer of protection to your data using multiple servers on Mozilla VPN.
Disable VPN protection for a specific website
The Mozilla VPN extension allows you to choose the websites you wish to protect and the ones you don't. This article describes how it works.
Manage the VPN extension preferences
After configuring VPN preferences for different websites, you may want to review them to confirm they meet your expectations. Follow these steps to do so.
What information does Mozilla VPN collect?
Learn about what information Mozilla VPN collects.
Exclude applications from Mozilla VPN protection
Exclude applications from Mozilla VPN protection
How will DNS work when using the VPN extension?
Learn how your DNS (Domain Name System) settings work while using your Mozilla VPN extension.
The language of the websites I visit changes when I turn Mozilla VPN on - What to do
This article explains what to do if the language of the websites you visit changes when you use Mozilla VPN
Mozilla VPN message center
Check the message center in the navigation bar for notifications about new features and subscription updates.
How do I change my Privacy features?
Learn how to activate and deactivate the Mozilla VPN Privacy features and how it can interact with your custom DNS settings.
What languages is Mozilla VPN available in?
See the languages Mozilla VPN is currently available in.
Enable or disable Local Network Access on iOS
LAN Bypass allows you to control whether or not your device can access devices on the local network while the VPN is on. Examples of these can be your network printer, your smart TV, AirDrop and CarPlay.
Change your location for a specific website
The Mozilla VPN extension allows you to set a particular location through which you want to access a given website. Learn about this feature here.
What to do if another extension interferes with the Mozilla VPN extension
If you're using the Mozilla VPN extension and encounter a message about other extensions interfering, follow this steps to fix it.