Sync data
Sync your data across different platforms and devices.
Sync Firefox data
Learn what Sync is, how it works, what it lets you do and how to avoid data loss with Sync, Firefox and your Mozilla account.
How do I choose what information to sync on Firefox?
Learn how to select what information (bookmarks, add-ons, browsing history and other data) to share across your devices with Firefox Sync.
Sync bookmarks, logins and browsing history on Firefox for iOS
Pair Firefox for iOS with Firefox desktop and Android to sync your bookmarks, logins and other browsing information across devices.
Change your two-step authentication device for your Mozilla account
What to do if you have two-factor authentication (2FA) setup on your account and need to migrate to a new device or phone.
Disable Firefox Sync on a lost phone or tablet
This article describes what you should do to prevent someone from accessing your passwords on a lost device with Firefox Sync.
Sync logins in Firefox for iOS
How to enable logins sync on Firefox for iOS so that you can access your logins across other synced devices.
Where are my synced tabs in Firefox for iOS?
You can sync your bookmarks, logins, open tabs and browsing history between devices via Firefox for iOS.
Send a tab from Firefox for iOS to another device
Send a tab from Firefox for iOS so you can read it on another device.
Drag and drop links and tabs to and from Firefox
You can open links or tabs from one app on Firefox or vice versa.
Firefox Sync takes too long to sync or send pages from my iPhone or iPad
What to do if Firefox for iOS takes a long time to sync or send URLs.
Send Tab from another mobile app to Firefox
You can send links from another app like Twitter to Firefox on your computer or phone.
Manage daily usage ping data collection settings in Firefox Focus
Learn about daily usage ping data in Firefox Focus, how it’s used, and how to manage or opt out of this data collection.