YouTube gets very laggy after a while - best way to restore performance?
I always keep two Youtube tabs open at all times on my computer. After a while of running, however, the site starts to get increasingly laggy, in a way that simply reloading the tab does not fix. (I am aware that this is likely a result of one of the extensions I have installed that affects Youtube's behavior, specifically SponsorBlock and Return Youtube Dislike, but I am not willing to uninstall these.) I also know of a "force reload" - pressing ctrl + shift + R instead of just ctrl + R in order to clear the cache or something.
However, whenever Youtube starts getting really slow, I instead like to do something I call "crashing the tab" - I open my system monitor, look for the current most CPU-intensive "Isolated Web Co" process, and end it. This pops up an error message in Firefox that says "Gah - your tab just crashed!" and offering me the option to restore it. After restoring it from this window, the performance is back to normal.
My question is, is this beneficial, or is it functionally identical to a normal force-reload? Is the improvement I see between this method and force-reloading the page just placebo? And if not, is there a simpler way to do it without opening a second program?
All Replies (1)
Hi there, thank you, i think that the result is more a placebo however as you suggested the cause of this is more than likely sponsor block, as Google recently (dont know exactly when sorry) introduced a method of degrading user performance based on adblockers and sponsor removes yeah it is a little annoying, the other way i have seen is to use a private tab, sometimes that works for me but then other times it does not it really does appear to be hit and miss.
Sorry I cant give you a more definite answer