Firefox Password Manager - Alerts for breached websites
Firefox's password management will show you alerts about logins potentially exposed in data breaches and passwords that may be vulnerable.
Mozilla Monitor - Frequently asked questions
Frequently-asked questions for Mozilla Monitor.
Data broker scan
Monitor Plus allows you to run a data broker scan to search if your information has been exposed. All premium users have an automated monthly scan.
Resolve breaches with Mozilla Monitor
This article explains how you can resolve data breaches in online accounts by using Mozilla Monitor.
Firefox Monitor
Firefox Monitor empowers users to fight against data breaches by alerting users when they visit a previously breached website.
What to do after a data breach
For instructions on what to do after a data breach, check this article.
How do I monitor multiple email addresses?
This article will show you how to add or exclude email addresses on Mozilla Monitor.
Monthly Monitor Report Email
The Monitor Monthly Report email will allow you to know about all the ways Monitor is protecting your information without the need to sign into Monitor.