Open links in the background for later viewing with Firefox for Android

Revision Information
  • Revision id: 106999
  • Created:
  • Creator: Biraj Karmakar
  • Comment: added "open now" screenshot
  • Reviewed: Yes
  • Reviewed:
  • Reviewed by: heyjoni
  • Is approved? Yes
  • Is current revision? No
  • Ready for localization: Yes
  • Readied for localization:
  • Readied for localization by: heyjoni
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Revision Content
This feature will be available to all Firefox for Android users soon. In the meantime, try it on Firefox Beta.

The tab queue feature lets you open links in the background without leaving the app you're on. Firefox will load your links for later viewing so you can continue using other apps without interruption.

Enable tab queuing

Tab queuing can be enabled through the Settings menu:

  1. Tap the menu button (either at the bottom right on some devices or in the upper right of the browser) and then select Settings (you may need to tap More first) ,
  2. Select Customize.
  3. Check the box next to Open multiple links.

Open tabs in the background

Suppose you want to open a link in one of your apps, tab queuing opens the link in the background without interrupting you. Here's how it works:

  1. On another app (example: Hangouts or Email), long-tap on the link until a menu appears.
  2. Tap Open in Browser.
  3. Firefox will open the link in the background. A notification will appear at the bottom of the screen and in your notification panel. (Tap Open Now at the bottom of the screen to view the page immediately, or continue using your app to queue up more tabs.)
  4. When you're ready to view your pages, tap the notification in your notification panel.
  5. Firefox will open with all of your links pre-loaded.