How to Publish and Export Spoke Scenes

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When you have finished creating your scene in Spoke you can publish it. It can be published directly to Hubs or exported as a .glb file or as a .spoke file which is a legacy Spoke project.

Publish to Hubs

  1. Click the Publish to Hubs... button in the upper right corner of the toolbar in Spoke.
  2. You will receive a prompt to change your Scene Name and Add Attribution. If you added models from the search panel the Spoke attributions for that content will be added to the scene description. You can add additional attributions for content brought in from external sources.
  3. You can select to Allow Remixing. Allowing remixing means that others can download, edit, change, and re-publish your Spoke scene as long as they give credit to the creators of the scene. If you allow allow remixing, you agree to license your scene under a CC-BY 3.0 license. This information will be associated with the scene, but not stored with you account. You can change this setting at any time, by re-publishing your scene. If you don't allow remixing, your content will be published under the Hubs and Spoke Terms of Service.
  4. Choose to select or unselect Allow Mozilla to promote my scene. If you choose to allow Mozilla to promote your scene, you grant to Mozilla a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, sublicensable license under all of Your rights necessary to review your scene, and publish, distribute, and promote it as part of Hubs and Spoke or related Mozilla promotional efforts.
  5. Click the Save and Publish button.
  6. A performance check will be run to see estimates of how your scene will render based on suggestions for polygon count, materials, textures, lights and file size.
  7. Click the Publish Scene button.
  8. Your scene will be published to Hubs! Click View Your Scene. On this landing page there is a button to Create a Room with this Scene that you can use to create Hubs rooms that uses the scene as a base, and a link that others can use to remix it in Spoke.

Export Spoke Project

Export as .glb file

Exporting as a .glb (glTF binary) file will export the scene into a single .glb file that could be used in other programs that support loading this file type.

To export as a .glb file:

  1. Click the menu icon in the top left of the toolbar.
  2. Select File > Export as binary .glTF (.glb).
Note: File type glb is a compiled binary, and cannot be opened in a readable-text format the way that glTF files can.

Export as .spoke file

Exporting as a legacy Spoke scene will create a .spoke file that can be imported into another Spoke account.

To export as a .spoke file:

  1. Click the menu icon in the top left of the toolbar.
  2. Select File > Export legacy .spoke project.

You can also share scenes in Spoke by labeling them as 'remixable' and sharing the scene link.

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