I can not update Firefox because my computer is MacPro Version 10.11.6
I can not update Firefox because my computer is MacPro Version 10.11.6. My computer will not accept new versions of its operating system. And your Firefox updates will not work on my version. So I am using 78.15.0esr . I do not know what to do - since I can not afford nor do I want to replace my MAC. All my important software is on it. All my important documents are on it. And it works beautifully.
I will have to continue to use Firefox 78.15.0esr . Can you suggest any alternatives for me?
Truly, Barbara Bancroft (Babs)
I can not update Firefox because my computer is MacPro Version 10.11.6. My computer will not accept new versions of its operating system. And your Firefox updates will not work on my version. So I am using 78.15.0esr . I do not know what to do - since I can not afford nor do I want to replace my MAC. All my important software is on it. All my important documents are on it. And it works beautifully.
I will have to continue to use Firefox 78.15.0esr . Can you suggest any alternatives for me?
Barbara Bancroft