Authentication failure using a Yubikey (FW 5.7.1) with Firefox 132.0.1 (aarch64) on macOS 15.1 +
Using Firefox on macOS 15.1 & 15.2 we get into an authentication loop when using a Yubikey with Firmware 5.7.1. This can be tested on the Webauthn.io test page Once you created an account with a PIN and subsequently try to login, you will asked for a PIN over and over agin.
Using Firefox on macOS 15.1 & 15.2 we get into an authentication loop when using a Yubikey with Firmware 5.7.1. This can be tested on the [https://webauthn.io/?regUserVerification=required&attestation=none&attachment=all&algES256=true&algRS256=true&discoverableCredential=preferred®Hints=security-key&authUserVerification=required__;!!PkdqYPBzMQ!WoRFIItxmBfsI0DNu2NhWMVNkkeU_uJX0KuqpI65S7uvYZir3ylg6p4jwDi8Sh3JMlNdLhiFoD43F9BZuhmnaA$ Webauthn.io test page]
Once you created an account with a PIN and subsequently try to login, you will asked for a PIN over and over agin.