How to allow popups to print coupons
I am at a loss. I have disabled popup blocking and all installed extensions that have the ability to block popups while trying to print coupons from Qples (I'm trying to print a coupon for Angel Soft toilet paper). I have deliberately placed their domain in the ALLOW list for popups. I have changed every setting I can see to ALLOW that domain access to just about everything. But I can't make popups work. I haven't had any luck in Edge either (and Edge uses Chrome as a framework so anything that doesn't work in Edge is unlikely to work in Chrome). I even did the ctrl-I trick and ALLOWed every setting it showed for that page specifically. I cleared its cache/cookies from the ctrl-I menu and reloaded. Every single time I reload the page, it gives me the option to print (which I want to be able to do) or "save" (which just means emailing you a link to the same print page). If I tell it to print, I get an overlay that reminds me to disable my popup blockers (at which point I internally scream "but I have disabled every d*mn popup blocker I can find". Is there some hidden/secret setting I'm missing here? I don't know where else to look, and I would think enabling wanted popups would be a possibility in an up-to-date browser (version 129.0, literally updated minutes ago). Thanks for any advice.