I changed my old email address to gmail amonth ago, & Firefox will Not allow me to sync my tablet to mu laptop & phone!
Look, all I wanted to do was change my primary email address to my gmail account, when I moved. This should have taken what?, two-three minutes!
It's been over a month fighting with the blasted thing, so I don't remember everything I originally did.
But at the time, I successfully changed the email on my cell phone & laptop. But 'something' hiccupped & went wrong, & it was not changed on my tablet.
Firefox eventually locked me out of my account after repeated attempts to log in. I recall asking for the six digit verification code, only to be told when I entered it, that it was incorrect, so got another, and another, repeatedly, each time being told the code was incorrect! Something like nine-ten times, I believe. I've literally spent hours & days at this, looking for a solution, to no avail.
When I tried to log into sync on the tablet today, Memorial Day, my old email address STILL shows up, and the snarkty thing just tells me I need to use my primary email address, & won't let me in. when I look at my accounts settings on another device, everything looks hunky dory! Yet my tablet still tells me, every day, that it hasn't been synced for "X" many days. Argh!
Worse, in order to post this request for help, on the same tablet, Firefox asked me to log in, DID show my primary email address, and logged me right on in, OPEN SESAME!
I was so annoyed & seriously ticked at this, it just felt like the Firefox program had just extended a virtual, certain single digit, in my general direction! If I can"t get this fixed soon, I'm going to remove sync, if I have pull it out by the roots!
H-E-L-P !!!
All Replies (2)
The best way to change your primary email address in your Firefox Account is to follow this guide:
Once done, you should be able to sign into all of your devices using that primary email address and your password.
Sorry. That is what I was doing in the first place. After moving to my farm, I had to get satellite service for internet. So I was changing my old cable service email address to now be the secondary, and replacing it with my gmail address, and making that, the primary.
But my tablet still shows my old email address as the login, for sync purposes.
Firefox recognizes that it is the secondary email, and tells me I must log in with the primary address. But I can't seem to get that changed on my tablet! And as I mentioned, adding insult to injury, I CAN log into my Firefox account, even on the same tablet. When I look at my account, it even shows the gmail email address as the primary, and the old one as secondary.
But it never changed on the tablet's login. Something must have gone wrong?
The only ideas I've come up with, I don't like. The 1st is to remove the tablet from Firefox sync entirely, and try to make a new connection. But I had enough trouble setting all my devices up when I started using sync. I have a cell phone, 2 tablets, & a laptop. The 2nd is to try to swap the email addresses back, and try to start over. But I'm afraid Firefox will then lock out my other devices, if I do, after this mess.
I personally hate the 2 email rule. After all I was trying to phase out my cable company email. My account is closed, and I am not paying them. I assume it will evenually expire. Then I'll have to get another one for Firefox alone, and do this again? Ridiculous!
The Firefox people have not made this process easy, or pardon the expression, "idiot proof". I'm moderately good with computers, but this should be a smooth easy seemless install, just like installing an app. I should be able to MANUALLY log in with my unique credentials on each device I've installed Firefox on, in turn, and connect the device to sync them. The rest should be internal. Even Firefox has to admit the current system is cumbersome, or the many people that are looking this issue up, would not be doing so.