Access Mozilla services with a Mozilla account
Mozilla account is a safe and easy way to access Mozilla services on all your devices. Learn how to create an account and access services.
Reset your Mozilla account password with Recovery Keys
Generate an account recovery key, so you can sign in to your Mozilla account to regain access to your synced data, in case you forget your password.
Change the primary email address on your Mozilla account
How to change your email address for your Mozilla Account.
Mozilla account on
Frequently asked questions about Mozilla accounts on Mozilla Support.
What if I'm locked out of Two-Step Authentication?
Disable two-step authentication or use a backup authentication code to regain access to your account if you've been locked out of two-step authentication login.
How to generate a secure password in Firefox
Learn how Firefox can create a secure password for you when creating a new online account.
Unlink your Google or Apple ID from your Mozilla account
If you no longer want to use your Google or Apple account to sign in to your Mozilla account, you can unlink it in your Mozilla account settings.
Sign up for Pocket with your Mozilla account
Pocket for Firefox lets you save articles for later. All you need is a free account. Sign up or sign in with your Mozilla account.
Firefox accounts renamed Mozilla accounts - What you need to know
Firefox accounts has been renamed Mozilla accounts since it's now used by various products and services to authenticate and manage accounts.
Sign in to a Mozilla account using 3rd-party authentication
You can use your existing Google or Apple ID to sign up for a Mozilla account.
Avoid getting locked out of your Mozilla account
Tips and tricks to avoid getting locked out of your Mozilla account.
Why can’t I use Firefox sync with my Google or Apple ID?
You can use your Google or Apple ID to sign in to all Mozilla products and services.
Change your Mozilla account password
How to change your Mozilla account password if you detect strange activity on your account.