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i use a vpn

why am i getting this message? " This network is blocked due to unaddressed abuse complaints about malicious behavior. This page checks to see if it's really a human send… (read more)

why am i getting this message? " This network is blocked due to unaddressed abuse complaints about malicious behavior. This page checks to see if it's really a human sending the requests and not a robot coming from this network. " please fix this is very annoying!!

Asked by Dana Stewart 11 months ago

Last reply by JohnQ Public 11 months ago

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I Am Having A Problem With TopSitesRows

Hello...I appreciate your using Shortcuts & they are very important to me. I once had a problem of not having enough Shortcuts, but that problem has been solved. My… (read more)

Hello...I appreciate your using Shortcuts & they are very important to me. I once had a problem of not having enough Shortcuts, but that problem has been solved.

My problem now is that the number of COLUMNS in my TopSitesRows often change, without my permission, from 6 Columns to 8. That leaves me with a lot of blank links as well as a lot of links I have visited only once & have no plans to visit again. Why can't I keep the number of COLUMNS the same like I can when I choose how many Rows when I choose TopSitesRows?

Thank you.

Asked by ChrisG 11 months ago

Last reply by zeroknight 11 months ago