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Notifications not clickable after a certain time on MacOS Ventura.

Notifications for certain news websites stop working after a day or so, after activating them. They work just fine and then stop coming altogether. Also, the notification… (read more)

Notifications for certain news websites stop working after a day or so, after activating them. They work just fine and then stop coming altogether. Also, the notifications I received become unclickable after a while, but that's all notifications, not just the news ones.

I have 3 profiles. And I'm using uBlock Origin. I tried adding scripts and all that, but there's something between Firefox and MacOS that is simply blocking the pushes. Maybe some buffer/leak problems? I've reset everything several times, but the problem keeps coming back.

This happened several times in the past couple years, so I simply stopped using FF notifications altogether, and started using another browser for them. But I prefer FF altogether.

MacOS Ventura 13.5.1 (22G90) Firefox 133.0.3 (64-bit)

Asked by ThSam 3 days ago