Firefox freezes on me a good deal. I then try to kill the firefox processes and one remains and can't be killed.
Firefox freezes on me a good deal. I then try to kill the Firefox processes and one remains and can't be killed. This is windows 10 and yes I have tried all the available methods of killing a process.
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> tasklist| Select-String "Firefox.exe"
firefox.exe 7948 Console 1 272,236 K
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> taskkill /im "firefox.exe" /t /f ERROR: The process with PID 7948 (child process of PID 5388) could not be terminated. Reason: There is no running instance of the task. SUCCESS: The process with PID 2512 (child process of PID 376) has been terminated. PS C:\WINDOWS\system32>