Mozilla VPN
Mozilla VPN
Last updated: 07/10/2023
82% of users voted this helpful
Mozilla VPN is available to subscribe in:
Austria | Belgium |
Bulgaria | Canada |
Croatia | Cyprus |
Czech Republic | Denmark |
Estonia | Finland |
France | Germany |
Slovakia | Slovenia |
Hungary | Ireland |
Italy | Latvia |
Lithuania | Luxembourg |
Malaysia | Malta |
The Netherlands | New Zealand |
Poland | Portugal |
Romania | Singapore |
Spain | Sweden |
Switzerland | UK |
US |
We’re working on testing and expanding the service to other regions. Join the waitlist to be notified when it’s available elsewhere.
What happens if I move to a country where Mozilla VPN is not available?
You will continue to be able to access Mozilla VPN as long as your subscription is able to renew. If your subscription cancels, you will not be able to subscribe again outside of supported countries.
Mozilla VPN will not work if your connection originates in the People's Republic of China.
Related articles
- What languages is Mozilla VPN available in?
- What is Mozilla VPN and how does it work?
- Choose the Mozilla VPN plan that is right for you
Learn more