Clear browsing history and cookies

Revision Information
  • Revision id: 76331
  • Created:
  • Creator: Safwan Rahman
  • Comment: Rewrite and reformate
  • Reviewed: No
  • Ready for localization: No
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As you browse the web, your browser helpfully remembers lots of information for the sites you've visited.

This article describes how to clear your browsing history, cookies and stored data.

Clear History

  1. Open Firefox browser.
  2. Tap the tab next to the URL bar.

  3. Tap the gear icon icon.
  4. Then tap the Clear browsing history button.
  5. After all tap OK to confirm the clearing of the browsing history.
    • browsing history is cleared!

Clear Cookies and Stored Data

  1. Open Firefox browser.
  2. Tap the tab next to the URL bar.

  3. Tap the gear icon icon.
  4. Then tap the Clear cookies and stored data button.
  5. After all tap OK to confirm the clearing of the cookies and stored data.
    • The cookies and stored data is cleared!