Add or remove a search engine in Firefox

Revision Information
  • Revision id: 104895
  • Created:
  • Creator: AliceWyman
  • Comment: added TOC
  • Reviewed: Yes
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  • Reviewed by: AliceWyman
  • Is approved? Yes
  • Is current revision? No
  • Ready for localization: Yes
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  • Readied for localization by: AliceWyman
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Firefox comes with a number of available search engines by default. You can add or remove the search engines that Firefox uses in just a few clicks.

Add a search engine

Many websites offer search engines that you can add to your Firefox Search bar. This allows you to search that specific website directly from your Search bar.

  1. To add the site-specific engine, visit the website that has your desired search engine. (We'll use as an example.)
  2. Open the search engine list and select Add "YouTube Video Search". Firefox will add it to your list and make it the active search engine.
  1. To add the site-specific engine, visit the website for your desired search engine. (We'll use as an example.)
  2. Click the magnifying glass on the Search bar on your toolbar addsearch 40, then click Add "YouTube Video Search".
    add search 34add youtube 40
  3. The search engine will appear in your built-in search options.
    youtube search 34

Search engine add-ons

Many providers also offer add-ons that let you add even more search engines:

  1. Click on the search engine icon and select Manage Search Engines....
  2. Click Add more search engines.
  3. Hover over the add-ons you want to add and click Add to Firefox.
  1. Click the magnifying glass in the Search bar on your toolbar, then click Change Search Settings.
  2. Click Add more search engines.
  3. Hover over the add-ons you want to add and click Add to Firefox.

Hide search engines

Follow these steps to remove alternate search engines you don't want to use in the Search bar.

  1. Click the magnifying glass in the Search bar on your toolbar, then click Change Search Settings.
    search prefs 34search settings fx36
  2. Remove the check mark next to each search engine you don't want.
    remove searches 34searchengines36

Remove search engines

You can remove search engines you don't need by performing the following steps on the Search bar on the toolbar or on the New Tab page.

  1. Click the search engine icon and select Manage Search Engines... to open the search engines manager.
  2. To remove a search engine, select it from the list, and click Remove.

If you accidentally delete a default search engine, click Restore Defaults to recover the default search engines.

  • If you accidentally delete a search engine that you installed, you must re-install it.

Remove search engines

To remove a search engine, follow these steps:

  1. Click the magnifying glass in the Search bar on your toolbar, then click Change Search Settings.
    search prefs 34search settings fx36
  2. Click on the search engine you don't want.
  3. Click the Remove button to take it off your list.
    remove search engine 35remove36

If you remove a search engine that you added yourself and you change your mind, you'll have to add it back again (see above). If you remove any of the search engines that come with Firefox by default, click Restore Default Search Engines to bring them back.