Role nr 01: There is no limit for human stupidity. Only to listen to one that talk when ever you need, enjoyable to listen to him. Best is to gather all listenrs and best speakers. To inform them that not yo forget being surprised every Day each moment that there has been an emptyness now is feeled with existens of both you and your Nafs ( ???) + satanic partiets x Djjal, and The representetive of Allah and Jesus but we need you to learn The languages in couple of yesrs. Likev99% of world population listen to some one like Dheikh Hamzah Yousef.. .
Role nr 01: There is no limit for human stupidity. Only to listen to one that talk when ever you need, enjoyable to listen to him. Best is to gather all listenrs and best speakers. To inform them that not yo forget being surprised every Day each moment that there has been an emptyness now is feeled with existens of both you and your Nafs ( ???) + satanic partiets x Djjal, and The representetive of Allah and Jesus but we need you to learn The languages in couple of yesrs. Likev99% of world population listen to some one like Dheikh Hamzah Yousef..