Zmólki z tykacami ako Flash abo Java pytaś, aby se ceste problemy z Firefox rozwězali

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If you are having problems with pages that use plugins (such as Adobe Flash, Java and others) to display content, you may need to check to see whether a plugin is causing the problem.

Important: The new 64-bit version of Firefox for Windows currently recognizes and supports only the Adobe Flash plugin. See this Mozilla blog post for details.
Important: The 64-bit version of Firefox for Windows currently recognizes and supports only the Adobe Flash and Microsoft Silverlight plugins.

Common problems caused by plugins include:

This article describes how to troubleshoot plugins. If you are having a problem with an extension or theme, see Problemy z rozšyrjenjami, drastwami a hardwarowym póspěšenim rozwězaś. For general information on plugins, see Tykace za awdio, wideo, graśa a wěcej wužywaś.

Determining if a plugin is the problem

You can selectively disable plugins while Firefox is running. If you suspect a certain plugin, disable it first, then test for your problem. If you don't know which plugin to disable:

  1. Klikniśo na menijowy tłocašk Fx89menuButton pótom na Dodanki a drastwy a wubjeŕśo Plugins.
  2. Select a plugin in the list and then select Never Activate in its drop-down menu. Repeat this step for each plugin in the list, until all of them are disabled. You do not need to restart Firefox for the changes to take effect.
  3. Test for your problem. If it does not occur, go back to the Add-ons Manager tab and re-enable plugins one-by-one with the Always Activate drop-down menu until you find which one causes your problem to occur.

If you find that disabling a plugin fixes your problem, continue following the steps in this article.

Updating or re-installing your plugins

Many problems with plugins can be solved by updating to the latest version of the plugin. Aby pśeglědował, jolic jaden z wašych zainstalěrowanych tykacow jo zestarjony, woglědajśo se k bokoju Pśespytajśo swóje tykace.

If updating to the newest version of the plugin or reinstalling it does not fix the problem, you can leave it disabled.

Manually uninstalling a plugin

If you can't use an uninstaller program to remove a plugin, you can remove it manually:

  1. Type about:plugins into the Location bar and press EnterReturn to display the About Plugins page.
  2. Each entry in the About Plugins page will have "File:" and "Path:", showing the name and location of the plugin file. Use Windows Explorer to navigateNavigate to the folder shown for the plugin you want to remove.
  3. Rename the file to add an X in front of the filename (for instance, npswf32 becomes Xnpswf32).

The plugin will be removed.

Re-initializing the plugins database

In some cases, you may not be able to install or re-install a plugin. Re-initializing the plugins database may fix this problem:

  1. Wócyńśo swój profilowy zarědnik:

    • Klikniśo na menijowy tłocašk Wobraz "Fx57menu" njeeksistěrujo., pón na Pomoc a wubjeŕśo Dalšne informacije za rozwězowanje problemowInformacije za rozwězowanje problemow.Wubjeŕśo z menija Pomoc Dalšne informacije za rozwězowanje problemowInformacije za rozwězowanje problemow. Rejtarik Informacije za rozwězowanje problemow se wócynijo.
    • Klikniśo pód wobceŕkom Zakłady nałoženja pódla profilowego zarědnikazarědnika na Zarědnik wócyniśW Finder pokazaśZarědnik wócyniś. Wokno se wócynijo, kótarež waš profilowy zarědnik wopśimujo. Waš profilowy zarědnik se wócynijo.
    Glědajśo: Jolic njamóžośo Firefox wócyniś abo wužywaś, slědujśo instrukcijam w nastawku Waš profil namakaś, mimo až se Firefox wócynja.

  2. Klikniśo na meni Firefox Fx89menuButton a wubjeŕśo Skóńcyś. Klikniśo na meni Firefox górjejce na wobrazowce a wubjeŕśo Firefox skóńcyś.Klikniśo na meni Firefox Fx89menuButton a wubjeŕśo Skóńcyś.

  3. Delete the pluginreg.dat file.
  4. Open Firefox
  5. In the Location bar type about:plugins and press EnterReturn to bring up the Firefox plugins list.