Firefox se wowalujo - co cyniś?

Wersijowe informacije
  • Wersijowy ID: 109368
  • Napórany:
  • Awtor: milupo
  • Komentar: partial translation
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Wowalenje jo tšójenje, pśi kótaremž Firefox zacynja a kóncy se napśisko. Pó wowalenju wócynja se Rozpšawjak wowalenjow Mozilla. Toś ten nastawk buźo wam pomagaś, wowalenja wobejś a jich zawiny wótpóraś a pokažo wam, kak móžośo wěcej pomocy dostaś, gaž maśo śěžkosći, se ze swójskeju mocu pomagaś.

Pokaz: Jolic Firefox jo wócynjony, ale njewótegranja na waše akcije, wisy, njejo pak wowalony. Glejśo Firefox wisy abo wěcej njereagěrujo za rozwězanja.

Jolic Firefox wowalujo se pśi startowanju:

  1. Pśespytajśo, lěc wowalenje nastawa we wěstem modusu (glejśo dołojce).
  2. Pśewjeźćo cystu nowoinstalaciju (glejśo Firefox se pśi startowanju wowalujo).
Howac wuwjeźćo slědujuce kšace w toś tom pórěźe.

Aktualizěrujśo swóje programy

Wowalenje, kótarež nastawa pśi was, jo snaź w nowej wersiji južo wótpórane!

Update Firefox

Every Firefox release includes a number of fixes for crashes that people have reported. Making sure you have the latest version may fix your crash. See Firefox na nejnowšu wersiju aktualizěrowaś for details.

Update your plugins

Check that you have the latest versions of all your plugins.

  • Go to our Plugin Check page and follow the links to update any plugins that are out of date.

Update Windows

Make sure you have all of the latest security and stability fixes.

  • Go to the Start menu, select All Programs and then Windows Update.

Update OS X

Make sure you have all of the latest security and stability fixes.

  • Go to the Apple menu and select Software Update…

Update Linux

Make sure you have all of the latest security and stability fixes.

  • Go to the System menu, down to Administration and select Update Manager.

Update your drivers

Check if your graphics drivers are up-to-date. For more info, see Kak mógu swóje grafikowe gónjaki aktualizěrowaś, aby hardwarowe póspěšenje a WebGL wužywał?.

If your crash happens while printing, check that your printer driver is up-to-date by going to your printer manufacturer's support website.

Update your Internet Security software

Make sure you have the latest version of your Internet security software (including firewalls, antivirus programs, anti-spyware programs, and more).

Check for viruses or spyware

A number of different viruses and spyware are known to crash Firefox. To ensure that your system is clean of spyware and viruses, install, update their virus databases, and use both of these programs:

For more information, see Problemy Firefox rozwězaś, kótarež zawinuju se pśez škódne programy.

Pśespytajśo, lěc wowalenje nastawa teke we wěstem modusu

If updating software didn't work or if Firefox crashes on startup, use the steps below to test whether the crash happens in Firefox Safe Mode or not and then follow the instructions in the recommended articles.

Note: Funkcija Firefox wótnowiś móžo wjele problemow pśez wótnowjanje standardnego stawa Firefox rozwězaś a składujo pśi tom waše nejwažnjejše daty. Rozwažćo toś tu móžnosć, nježli až zachopijośo dlijuce se pytanje za zawinu a rozwězanim problema.
  1. Klikniśo na menijowy tłocašk Fx89menuButton, pótom na Pomoc, wubjeŕśo Modus za rozwězowanje problemow… a klikniśo na Znowego startowaś w dialogu Firefox w modusu za rozwězowanje problemow znowego startowaś?.

    Pokaz: Móžośo teke tastu tłocyś, mjaztym až Firefox startujośo, aby Firefox w modusu za rozwězowanje problemow startował.tastu tłocyś, mjaztym až Firefox startujośo, aby Firefox w modusu za rozwězowanje problemow startował.Firefox skóńcys, pótom do swójogo terminala hyś a firefox -safe-mode pśewjasć.
    Musyśo snaź instalěrowańsku sćažku pódaś (na pś. /usr/lib/firefox).
  2. When the Firefox Safe Mode window appears, press the button Continue in Safe ModeStart in Safe Mode.

After Firefox starts in Safe Mode, test for your problem.

The crash still happens in Safe Mode

If your crash still happens in Safe Mode, it is not being caused by an extension, theme or hardware acceleration. See if the Firefox Hot topics section includes a solution and, if it doesn't, try to get help with your crash ID.

The crash doesn't happen in Safe Mode

If your crash doesn't happen in Safe Mode, it is most likely because of an extension, theme or hardware acceleration.

Check your hardware

Check your RAM for errors

If Firefox crashes repeatedly, check your RAM for errors using for instance the following tool, Memtest86+Rember.

Get help fixing this crash

Figuring out the cause of a crash can be difficult. If you've tried the steps above and can't get Firefox to stop crashing, the steps below will show you how to collect information about your crash so our volunteers can help you.

  1. Get the Report ID of your latest crash report:
    • If you can open Firefox, at least in Safe Mode:
      1. In the Firefox Location bar, type about:crashes and hit EnterReturn. A page listing submitted crash reports will appear.
      2. Klikniśo z pšaweju myškoweju tastuŹaržćo tastu ctrl tłoconu, a klikniśo on the latest crash under Report ID and choose Open Link in New Tab. A tab will open to a page on, saying that "Your report is being processed". When it is finished processing, close the report tab.
    • If you can't open Firefox because it crashes at startup even in Safe Mode:
      1. Click the Windows Start button, and select Run…press Windows Key + R. Type in "%APPDATA%\Mozilla\Firefox\Crash Reports\submitted" (including the quotation marks) and click OK.(OS X 10.6 or previous) Click the Finder icon in the dock. Your home folder will be selected. In the right side of the window, click the Library folder to open it. Then open the "Application Support" folder, the "Firefox" folder, the "Crash Reports" folder and finally the "submitted" folder.
        (OS X 10.7 or above) Click the Finder icon in the dock. On the menu bar, click the Go menu, hold down the option or alt key and select Library. A window will open containing your Library folder. Then open the "Application Support" folder, the "Firefox" folder, the "Crash Reports" folder and finally the "submitted" folder.
        Go to ~/.mozilla/firefox/Crash Reports/submitted.
      2. In the resulting folder will be a text file for each crash report you have submitted. Using the View menu, arrange them by date to find out which is the newest file; and double-click on it to open it.
  2. Click this link to ask for help with your crash.
    Note: This link is only valid for help with crashes.
  3. Create an account.
  4. Fill out the Details section of the next page with as much information you have about the crash. Include any of the steps you completed above, like updating Firefox or testing for the crash in safe mode.
  5. Copy the long Report ID number you've got above for the latest crash (looks like bp-…) and paste it into the "Details" section.
  6. Click the green Automatically add button to submit additional troubleshooting information.
  7. Finally, click the Post Question button.
    We know that providing all this information is time consuming but it will make it much easier for our volunteers to help you.
    Crashes AAQ

Based on information from Firefox crashes (mozillaZine KB)