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Lost work in browser

Firefox update required me to restart Firefox. I was unable to save a bunch of work I had done in a particular tab because Firefox seems to have refused to connect to the… (xem thêm)

Firefox update required me to restart Firefox. I was unable to save a bunch of work I had done in a particular tab because Firefox seems to have refused to connect to the site I was working at until I update. THAT SUCKS!

Được hỏi bởi Hugh 2 năm trước

Được trả lời bởi cor-el 2 năm trước

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Text overlapping on table content

I got this issue when tried to read some API document provided by a marketplace that i have project with. I tried on another browser and it shown normal, not a single tex… (xem thêm)

I got this issue when tried to read some API document provided by a marketplace that i have project with. I tried on another browser and it shown normal, not a single text is overlapping. I've tried some suggestion on another topic to pick No Style on Page Style menu (View -> Page Style -> No Style) but it got more messed up and tried changing font size but still got no improvement. Helpp me pls~

Được hỏi bởi Gwick 2 năm trước

Được trả lời bởi cor-el 1 năm trước

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Browser crashes & main profile becomes unaccessible when update is available

Dear Community, I've been struggling with a very peculiar error with my Firefox in the last couple of weeks that I haven't managed to find a solution for. It's kinda dis… (xem thêm)

Dear Community,

I've been struggling with a very peculiar error with my Firefox in the last couple of weeks that I haven't managed to find a solution for. It's kinda disturbing and makes me want to stop using the whole thing, even though I'm a big fan of Firefox.

1.) The first sign of the error is the browser suddenly becoming partially unresponsive. The UI still works - as in, you can scroll down/up on open pages, navigate through menus, open/close tabs, etc. but no HTML content is loaded JS isn't running. First I thought this was just bad connection, but I had a stable internet connection and other browsers would load the same pages. 2.) At this point, when I try to close the whole app and restart it, I get a message that the browser is already running. The dialogue box also offers to force restart the app, which doesn't work (it stops the process but doesn't restart it, so I still have to manually launch the app). 3.) After manually launching after failed force restart, I'm getting another error message saying that I'm using an "old version of Firefox", due to which my old profile "might not work". I can either exit the app or create a new profile. From a new profile I can load profile manager but I'm unable to launch the other profile. However, indeed there is an app update pending. 4.) After the update is installed, the browser launches the new profile and and then from the profile manager I'm able to load the other profile, set is up as standard and remove all other profiles. After this step, all seems to be normal and Firefox keeps working without any issues until a next update is found, but then the whole issue starts from point 1.

First time I suspected that the profile is corrupted, so I deleted it and resynced the settings from my Firefox Account, but this has not helped, so I fully removed Firefox with all the data stored on the local drives and reinstalled it. Then the latest version was installed and the profile worked, so I presumed the issue to be resolved until a new update came. In the last month there's been at least 3-4 updates, all triggering this very peculiar issue issue. I was thinking this might be known so the devs would release a fix soon, but I couldn't find the same issue mentioned, so now I'm suspecting one of the add-ons acting up. However, since the issue only reproducible when an update is released, it would somewhat complicated and time-consuming to deduct which one is causing the error. Hence, asking question here as I'm wondering if anyone had encountered anything similar or could suggest any further steps to fix the error.

I'm using 104.0.2 (64-bit) and following add-ons:


Extension ID


Internal UUID


Manifest URL


LeechBlock NG

Extension ID


Internal UUID


Manifest URL


HTTPS Everywhere

Extension ID


Internal UUID


Manifest URL



Extension ID


Internal UUID


Manifest URL



Extension ID


Internal UUID


Manifest URL


Privacy Badger

Extension ID


Internal UUID


Manifest URL


Cookie AutoDelete

Extension ID


Internal UUID


Manifest URL


Super Dark Mode

Extension ID


Internal UUID


Manifest URL



Extension ID


Internal UUID


Manifest URL


uBlock Origin

Extension ID


Internal UUID


Manifest URL


I haven't captured the exact error messages but I'm happy to do if that sheds some further light on the issue (would have to wait until next update for the issue to happen though). Any tips would be appreciated.

Được hỏi bởi Firefox User 2 năm trước

Được trả lời bởi Firefox User 1 năm trước

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plugshare.com page is missing couple of crucial menu icons

When plugshare.com loads, there is a prominent search box at the top left corner. However it is missing the menu icon (see attached pic) as well as the search icon. This … (xem thêm)

When plugshare.com loads, there is a prominent search box at the top left corner. However it is missing the menu icon (see attached pic) as well as the search icon. This is happening on 2 different machines running Ubuntu 22.04.

Please fix. Google Chrome displays just fine; see attached pic.

Được hỏi bởi groundie 2 năm trước

Được trả lời bởi cor-el 2 năm trước

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Did Not Connect: Potential Security Issue (Error Code: MOZILLA_PKIX_ERROR_SELF_SIGNED_CERT)

I can't connect to my router using this same link I've always used: https://router.asus.com:8443/ I also tried: http://router.asus.com and: Nothing ha… (xem thêm)

I can't connect to my router using this same link I've always used: https://router.asus.com:8443/ I also tried: http://router.asus.com and: Nothing has changed! I get a security error. See attachment. There is no "Proceed at your own risk" option. I've spent hours searching for a work around or fix. Nothing works! How in blue blazes am I supposed to connect to my ASUS Router's GUI. This is Windows 10, Firefox 104.0.2 (64-bit)

Được hỏi bởi acct3 2 năm trước

Được trả lời bởi acct3 2 năm trước

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Update fault

After last update V104.0.2 fire fox will not allow me to access router to change settings message given, unable to connect, can I revert to previous version of firefox as… (xem thêm)

After last update V104.0.2 fire fox will not allow me to access router to change settings message given, unable to connect, can I revert to previous version of firefox as always worked before update

Được hỏi bởi allan.pool 2 năm trước

Được trả lời bởi cor-el 2 năm trước

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How can I stop the purple Tracker Information pop-ups that appear every time I open a new webpage?

Hi, Since recent updates to Firefox I get a purple pop-up listing Trackers at the bottom right of my screen every time I open a new webpage. I'm happy with my PC securi… (xem thêm)


Since recent updates to Firefox I get a purple pop-up listing Trackers at the bottom right of my screen every time I open a new webpage. I'm happy with my PC security settings and have good protection software running - but this pop-up listing Trackers is becoming a nuisance.

Is there a way to stop Firefox displaying the Tracker notification pop-ups whilst still intercepting and blocking them in accordance with my security settings?

I see that other users have asked the same question, but it does not seem to have been answered yet.



Được hỏi bởi PeterKinloch 2 năm trước

Được trả lời bởi PeterKinloch 2 năm trước

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emailing weblinks from Firefox using mail - need to pick alternate method

My new Windows 11 laptop forces me to use the "Mail" app to forward links by email using the "email a link to this page" utility feature in the Firefox toolbar Prior to … (xem thêm)

My new Windows 11 laptop forces me to use the "Mail" app to forward links by email using the "email a link to this page" utility feature in the Firefox toolbar Prior to this, my old laptop would just use Outlook which was quicker/better.

The multi-step method using Mail was cumbersome so in trying to designate Outlook as the sending vehicle over Mail, I designated a non-performing solution which is now preventing me from emailing links (and captured webpage info) at all. I would like to migrate back to Mail or find the correct choice for Outlook but the "email a link to this page" in the Firefox toolbar does not work now as a result of my poor choice.

Anyone know how to fix this? I have "restored factory defaults" and other on the toolbar features but does not help. This was apparently an unrevocable choice.


Được hỏi bởi John Buttles 2 năm trước

Được trả lời bởi James 2 năm trước

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Firefox prefers IPv4 address in a dual-stack environment

Hi, I'm using IPv4 as well as IPv6 addresses in my home network. But Firefox uses always the IPv4 connection when I open a website. When I open the same website in MS Ed… (xem thêm)


I'm using IPv4 as well as IPv6 addresses in my home network. But Firefox uses always the IPv4 connection when I open a website. When I open the same website in MS Edge, the IPv6 connection is used.

I've captured the network traffic during opening a website in Firefox, which is reachable over IPv4 and IPv6. First I see two DNS queries (A and AAAA) for the domain name. Both responses containing the correct IP address, and they arrive nearly at the same time at the client. Next I can see the TCP handshake. But it's send between the IPv4 address only. No IPv6 connection was attempted.

When I run the IPv6 test at https://test-ipv6.com, the IPv6 resuls are nearly fine. Only the web browser test says "Your browser has real working IPv6 address - but is avoiding using it."

When I run the same test in MS Edge, all tests are fine.

So it seems that this is not a OS or network issue. It affects Firefox only.

What I've already tried:

  • Disabled all extensions
  • Created a new profile
  • Used the IPv6 address of the website instead of the FQDN -> Works fine.
  • Checked DNS cache of Firefox (about:networking). It contains the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses of the requested websites

I guess that Firefox prefers the A record for some reason. But I've no idea why. Has anybody an idea what could causing this?


Jas Man

Được hỏi bởi JasMan 2 năm trước

Được trả lời bởi JasMan 2 năm trước

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lap top freezes yahoo mail but desk top does not

checking box within a Tab on yahoo mail will immediately open that entry and then freeze further operation until the screen is shut down. This happens on my wife's HP lap… (xem thêm)

checking box within a Tab on yahoo mail will immediately open that entry and then freeze further operation until the screen is shut down. This happens on my wife's HP lap top i5 Pavilion 4.00 ram. ie: inbox tab will show a number of email - a dozen or so - followed by grey empty areas. The tab indicates 100+ total in inbox. Selecting one box opens the email but locks up any activity on that email & must be shut down to exit. The identical situation happens when I access my email on her machine. She is using Firefox 105.0.1 HOWEVER, on my machine, HP desktop AMD A8 8.00 Ram, both email addresses do not lock up, multiple boxes can be checked and work as expected. My desk top uses Firefox 104.4 This began happening within the past couple of weeks and I can not debug the situation. Any pointers ??

Được hỏi bởi pete 1 năm trước

Được trả lời bởi pete 1 năm trước

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can't open search in new tab

Running WIN10. I have used FF w Google for about 20 years, and always had new searches open in same window, new tab. Following recent refresh of FF, that seems to be not … (xem thêm)

Running WIN10. I have used FF w Google for about 20 years, and always had new searches open in same window, new tab. Following recent refresh of FF, that seems to be not possible. Links open in new tab, but not searches. In about:config the browser.search.openintab setting is True

I have closed and reopened FF, and closed and reopened WIN10.

What might be over-riding this? Many thanks!

Được hỏi bởi alexander4612 1 năm trước

Được trả lời bởi alexander4612 1 năm trước

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Facebook Stories outputs differently from what I created

The uploaded image is not what I expected. There should be an image of my desktop and the text has somewhat background color which supposed to be transparent causing some… (xem thêm)

The uploaded image is not what I expected. There should be an image of my desktop and the text has somewhat background color which supposed to be transparent causing some texts to be cropped. I have Dark Reader extension turned-off since Facebook has it's own dark mode. How to fix this?

I'm on Firefox 104.0.2 Manjaro KDE Plasma 5.25.5.

Được hỏi bởi Snich 1 năm trước

Được trả lời bởi Snich 1 năm trước

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Lost all Firefox Bookmarks after Mac restart fro Safe Mode

Hello All, I recently had to start up my brand new MacBook Pro up in "Safe Mode" to verify an unrelated problem. When I restarted my computer from safe mode, my Bookmarks… (xem thêm)

Hello All, I recently had to start up my brand new MacBook Pro up in "Safe Mode" to verify an unrelated problem. When I restarted my computer from safe mode, my Bookmarks were either gone completely or "empty" and I was apparently in a newer version of Firefox. I then trashed my Firefox application and tried to restore an older version via Time Machine and after I copy it to my Applications folder I get the message that I am trying to open an older version of firefox and then doesn't allow me to do that. When I followed the option to their extents, only the new version with NO bookmarks shows up.

How can I get my old bookmarks back?

Thanks bc

Được hỏi bởi bradleychase 1 năm trước

Được trả lời bởi bradleychase 1 năm trước

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What is Firefox WikiSpecies Storage Limit?

I use Firefox to download, copy, and store WikiSpecies pictures. Currently, my .../Documents/WikiSpecies/Animalia_Plantae_8 directory holds what it says are 90,876 items… (xem thêm)

I use Firefox to download, copy, and store WikiSpecies pictures.

Currently, my .../Documents/WikiSpecies/Animalia_Plantae_8 directory holds what it says are 90,876 items, totalling 11.5 GB. I have plenty of unused space in that directory (over 91 GB), so space is not an issue.

Lately, when I try to install a new picture, I keep getting a warning that the picture is already stored. This MAY be because I am running out of new pictures, but I can't tell.

Is there any capacity limit to a WikiSpecies directory?

Được hỏi bởi jwill 2 năm trước

Được trả lời bởi jonzn4SUSE 1 năm trước

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Video on certain sites stops working after about an hour of Firefox usage

Hello, For two firefox updates, I've been having an issue where after about an hour or two of using firefox (it varies), video players on most websites will stop working… (xem thêm)


For two firefox updates, I've been having an issue where after about an hour or two of using firefox (it varies), video players on most websites will stop working. Almost every website except for Youtube's videoplayer stops working after an hour, all at once. Restarting firefox fixes it, but it's very annoying to restart firefox every couple of hours, and seems like a problem.

The following things didn't fix it: clearing my cache, disabling my addons one by one, turning off hardware acceleration, trying to watch the video in a private window, or reinstalling firefox. I don't know what's left to try. It has nothing to do with my audio devices.

Please advise, thank you!

Được hỏi bởi Magpie 2 năm trước

Được trả lời bởi cor-el 2 năm trước

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Attempting to download brokerage statements from E-Trade

Dropa; I can download an E-Trade brokerage statement from my DELL LAPTOP, Windows 10 and Firefox ((identical to my Desktop) whereby I can view the pages of the statemen… (xem thêm)


I can download an E-Trade brokerage statement from my DELL LAPTOP, Windows 10 and Firefox ((identical to my Desktop) whereby I can view the pages of the statement , however, from my DESKTOP I cannot download an E=Trade brokerage statement for me to view the pages of the statement.

Below is the address or link for downloading an E=Trade brokerage statement, on my screen, from my DELL LAPTOP, whereby the pages of the statement appear, This is the identical link / address that I copied from my DESKTOP, however the statement does not appear: "Download failed"


How may I correct not being able to download and E-Trade statement, to view on the screen (after which downloading to a file) on my DESKTOP ???


Được hỏi bởi Michael Kevin 2 năm trước

Lần cuối trả lời bởi jscher2000 - Support Volunteer 1 năm trước

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Cursor focus goes to address bar, instead of search box, when opening a firefox window - started after 105.0 update.

See abstract. Updated to Firefox V105.0 today, and now the cursor starts in the address bar, instead of the search box middle of the page. I have tried that "about:config… (xem thêm)

See abstract. Updated to Firefox V105.0 today, and now the cursor starts in the address bar, instead of the search box middle of the page. I have tried that "about:config handoff" fix and it doesn't work for me. I think this is about the third or fourth time we have lost the "cursor starts off in the search box" functionality in the last few years, after a Firefox update. Can you code writers leave it in the search box? Please?

Được hỏi bởi MrSensible 2 năm trước

Được trả lời bởi MrSensible 1 năm trước