by sending a picture as appendix to an e-mail, Firefox send first a request to Google and after a while, the request disappear without any results!?
by sending a picture as attachment to an e-mail to an hotmail-address, Firfefox send first a request to Google.com and after a while, the request disappear without any results. The e-mail and picture were not sended. By sending an e-mail to an hotmail-address with text only, it will be successful! How is that possible and how to put that right? By sending the same e-mail with picture as attachment by Explorer-Express, it will be successful too! Thanks for answer.
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What are you using to send that email?
Được chỉnh sửa bởi NoahSUMO vào
I'm using Firefox/Gmail and the recipient is a hotmail address. When I'm using Outlook Express, it work but I prefer to use Firefox/Gmail.