Server has disconnected issue
I am running TBird 91.2 on a Win10 Pro 21H1 laptop and on a Win10 Pro 21H1 Surface GO. My issue is with my Compuserve/AOL email account which is my primary account. I send email on smtp.compuserve.com and receive on imap.aol.com. The issue is intermittent and usually multiple times per day when I am receiving email I get the message "Server imap.aol.com has disconnected. The server may have gone down or there may be a network problem." What does not make sense is that it may occur on one of my PCs and then I will check the other and it is fine. Or sometimes both give this message but then I can go to my iPhone which also receives from imap.aol.com and it has no problems.
Are there some TBird settings I can adjust to try to improve the consistency of my receives?
I do have Comcast and Gmail accounts that do not appear to have this issue but for historical reasons I would like to retain my AOL/Compuserve as my principal account.
Thank you.
Krejt Përgjigjet (2)
PS - the problem is most severe, almost always occurs when I go offline. I ask it to download all messages before disconnecting and it successfully downloads all of my Compuserve mailboxes except the InBox and consistently gives the server off line warning.
Feb 18, 2022 Thunderbird 91.6.0 on Mac Mojave, Mac BigSur, Mac HighSierra. Mostly connecting to Yahoo mail IMAP. Damn, this problem is *so* persistent, and has been posted and reposted for years, literally years. It is about to lead me to quit Thunderbird despite its otherwise great features. It is *so* annoying. None of the "fixes" works. Doesn't matter whether I have 1 or 2 or 5 or 10 cached connections; always returns. Doesn't matter whether I "repair" the folders or not; always returns. No other email client does this. Its persistence should have led Mozilla/Thunderbird to put fixing this *for good* at the top of all their "to-do" lists. Please, Thunderbird developers: Stop working on more tweeks on the interface look; fix this. </end rant>