Wrong icon size in location bar?
The "Go to" arrow that appears on the right side (same location as the bookmark star) of the location bar when typing a new address or after opening a new tab is the incorrect size. It causes the location bar to change it's height when it is on screen. This has been an issue for some time (years) both on my Mac and Windows 7 PC. Is there a known way to correct this?
Isisombululo esikhethiwe
Hello generalleoff, can you check it please in safe mode ? (DON'T Reset firefox, select Start in Safe Mode).
probably the problem is a corrupt localstore.rdf file .
thank you
All Replies (2)
Isisombululo Esikhethiwe
Hello generalleoff, can you check it please in safe mode ? (DON'T Reset firefox, select Start in Safe Mode).
probably the problem is a corrupt localstore.rdf file .
thank you
It is indeed correct in safe mode. This has allowed me to discover what is causing the problem and it appears to be a bug.
To recreate the problem:
Reset toolbars to default using the "use default set" button. Go into "customize" to change the toolbars.
Notice the reload and stop buttons located between the location and search bar.
You CAN NOT mess with those buttons. If you move them, remove them, reverse them, or place an icon between them or in front of them you will cause the arrow size glitch. It must be reload first then stop and they must be directly after the location bar. You can place an icon after them with no issue.
If left default those icons are invisible on the toolbar as they are placed inside the location bar. Moving them causes them to show as buttons.
Thanks for helping me figure that out. it was super annoying for a very long time and now I have a bug to report.