Message : This page is asking you to confirm that you want to leave - data you have entered may not be saved.
I have sent a video clip to YouTube. It is one of several for a course I am writing, and when all are finished, they will be published in a YouTube collection. They are not yet published. While it was uploading, I opened another browser tab to update the YouTube tags on a couple of the other videos, which are already uploaded. When I try to leave the page (Back button, or otherwise if I try to close the page, I get the message "This page is asking you to confirm that you want to leave - data you have entered may not be saved." with two buttons, "Leave" and "Stay on page". There is no save button on the page. If I choose "Leave", then open the page again, I see that the tags I have just entered have not been saved. As I write, I still have two pages open, because I don't want to lose the changes I have made. Is this a FireFox issue or a YouTube issue? I Googled the message, and I see that a lot of people have had it, seemingly on a lot of different web sites, but also on different browsers - Chrome, IE, FireFox, etc. Does anybody know the answer?
All Replies (6)
While there are sites that display the messages to nag you into staying, legitimate sites use it to warn you that the data wasn't saved. So it sounds as though the data isn't saving properly.
I haven't uploaded a video for a while, but isn't there a save button for those side panels of information you can fill while you wait for the upload to complete? Is that button dead/non-operable, and that's why the input wasn't saved?
Oh - the data is definitely not saving properly.
I have re-tried it again this morning, having rebooted and, of course, restarted FireFox - but with the same result. I googled the message, and found a number of people complaining about it, and several had pasted the image of the message, and it always looks the same, so I can only conclude that it comes from Windows, rather than from the browser or from the site itself, probably getting invoked through a DLL. Some people suggested it was coming from the browser plugins, and that is why I came here, but I think I may be asking the question in the wrong forum. I tried disabling plugins, but it didn't make any difference - though I did not restart the browser because I wanted to keep those pages open, and not lose the updates.
I'll join the YouTube forum and try asking there.
I now have four videos on YouTube - four parts of the tutorial I'm doing. The last one was uploaded last night, and I set the tags and description as part of the upload process, and they have saved correctly. However, I want to upgrade the tags and descriptions on the other three, and I can't do it. I go to the Edit page and set the tags, write the description of the course module, and everything looks good, but when I try to leave the page, I get the error message, saying that some stuff is not saved - but the word "save" is not mentioned anywhere on the page, and there is no Save button. If I leave the page anyway, then go back to it, I see that the updates have, indeed, not been saved.
If the changes are urgent, you could try a different browser.
Another browser? Wow! That's really something to get from the FireFox forum ;-)
It's true, I haven't exhausted all possibilities of what I could do. I could delete the video in question and re-upload it, and set the details during the upload process - that worked OK for the last upload, but they take about 3 hours to upload, so I'd rather be able to simply type in the tags I want to use.
I have opened a case with the YouTube forum, and I've had one reply, but telling me to click a button that isn't on my screen.
I think the message probably comes from MS software, and I'm hoping somebody can tell me what triggers it in YouTube Studio. If it eventually gets solved, I'll update this case for future problemees.
mijewen said
Another browser? Wow! That's really something to get from the FireFox forum ;-)
While I appreciate your persistence, no one wants your project to fall behind because you're too wrapped up in troubleshooting!
Please do keep us updated on what you hear back from Google in case other Firefox users have a similar issue.
jscher2000, many thanks.
OK - it's resolved by the YouTube people. It was a question of using the YouTube page properly. There is a box on the page that says "Public" by default, and it needed to be changed to "Private", otherwise it thinks that I'm trying to set it public. I had imagined that it could be published as a Private or Public offering, and I didn't think that the status of the page would matter till it was published - but that's not the purpose of the field. After I set it to Private, the "Publish" button changed into a "Save" button.