so why won't Mozilla support allow me to sign in
even though it logged me in to post? But won't accept the post. I gotta say, that development has made Firefox/Mozilla website difficult, at best, to navigate>
Alle Antworten (19)
I can sign in via accounts.Firefox.com but not support.mozilla.org.
Yes, the login mechanism was changed a few years ago to using a Firefox Account.
so then, why when I am emailed a link to a thread, does it send me to Mozila support where log in doesn't work? And I can't seem to navigate to the thread from Firefox log in.
What is the link to Mozilla Support that you are being sent to?
uhhh, click on the link?
The link you posted is to our feedback site, Mozilla Connect, not Mozilla Support. What is the link to Mozilla Support that you are trying to open?
now it is suddenly allowing me to sign in from the emailed link. I need to sign into firefox first then go back and click the emailed link?
a 2 step process.?
and then, I write the post and I am asked to log in again and it refuse my log in. something is broken here.
well then what is the difference between support and connect and why do I keep getting forwarded to this address? https://connect.mozilla.org/t5/user/ssoregistrationpage?dest_url=https:%2F%2Fconnect.mozilla.org%2F which doesn't allow me in.
Mozilla Support is the support site for Mozilla software.
Connect is a feedback platform for Mozilla software.
Are you able to take a screenshot of where you are being forwarded to Connect?
usually round and round on this page. today, I got in on 2 tries.
Okay, so that is where you complete your Mozilla Connect profile. Where were you before that?
my profile is complete, long ago. trying to make a suggestion. that's connect, right?
Yes, Connect is the site to use to make a suggestion.
What is Mozilla Connect? https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/what-mozilla-connect
yes. when I go to Connect it ask s to complete my profile even though I'm already signed in. then it says my profile name already exists, please try another. In other words, there is no way, that I have found to sign into Connect.
That suggests that you are signed in there, but have not completed the account set up process.
but when I enter my user name, it says already in use.
"That suggests that you are signed in there, but have not completed the account set up process."
I have. And if I hadn't, why would it come back with that user name is in use? Great browser but impossible to "connect" to make a suggestion or idea.