Indstillinger til privatliv, browserhistorik og spor mig ikke

  • Revision id: 71486
  • Oprettet:
  • Lavet af: scootergrisen
  • Kommentar: mere delvist engelsk til dansk oversættelse
  • Gennemgået: Nej
  • Klar til oversættelse: Nej

Denne artikler beskriver indstillingerne som er tilgængelige i panelet Privatliv i Firefox vinduet IndstillingerPreferences.

Privatlivs panelet gør det muligt at:

  • Bestemme hvordan Firefox håndter din historik, hvilket inkluder hvilke websider du har besøgt, hvilke filer du har hentet, hvad du har indtastet i formularer, og hvilke cookies websteder har sendt dig.
  • Bestem hvilke websteder der kan sende dig cookies og dine fine cookies og fjern cookies som websteder har sendt dig.
  • Bestem hvordan Location bar bruger historik til at forslå match på det du indtaster. For mere information, læs Autofuldførelse af forslag i Firefox' adressefelt.

Fx5Options - Privacy - Win1Fx5Prefs - Privacy - Mac1Fx5Prefs - Privacy - Lin1


Fortæl websteder, at jeg ikke vil spores: Marker denne boks hvis du vil fortælle websteder at du ønsker at fravælge sporing af reklameudbydere og andre tredjeparter. Det er frivilligt om websteder vil følge denne indstilling - det er ikke et krav at webstedet skal respektere det.

Privacy Fx21 Win7Privacy Fx21 MacFirefoxPreferences#21 - Lin3


  • Fortæl websteder, at jeg ikke vil spores: Choosing this option will tell websites that you wish to opt-out of tracking by advertisers and other third-parties. Honoring this setting is voluntary — individual websites are not required to respect it.
  • Fortæl websteder, at jeg gerne vil spores: Choosing this option will tell websites that you want to be tracked by advertisers and other third-parties. You should be aware that many companies build a profile of sites you visit. Checking this option means that you are ok with that.
  • Fortæl ikke websteder, om jeg vil spores eller ej: This is the default setting. Choosing this option will not tell websites anything about your preferences. You should note that this does not mean that you will not be tracked. In fact it's effectively the same as the previous option, and you are likely going to be tracked.


Firefox vil indstillingen styrer hvordan Firefox gemmer information om din web browsing.

Husk historik

Når Firefox vil er sat til Gemme historik:

Click on:

Husk aldrig historik

When Firefox vil is set to Aldrig gemme historik:

Using Aldrig gemme historik is equivalent to always being in Firefox Private Browsing mode. For more information, see Privat browsing - Surf på nettet uden at gemme information om de besøgte websteder.

Click on rydde al din historik to open the Clear Recent History window, which allows you to erase some or all of your history quickly. For more information, see Ryd historik med oplysninger om besøgte websteder, søgninger og filhentninger.

Tilpas indstillinger for historik

Options - Privacy - Win2 Fx13Options - Privacy - Win2 Fx7

When Firefox vil is set to Bruge tilpassede indstillinger for historik, the following settings will be available:

  • Husk min browser- og filhentningshistorik:
    If selected, Firefox will keep a list of the pages you've visited and the files you've downloaded. For more information about downloaded files, see Find og håndter hentede filer.
  • Remember my browsing history:
    If selected, Firefox will keep a list of the pages you've visited.
  • Remember download history:
    If selected, a list of files you download will be kept in the Downloads window.

Options - Privacy - Win2 Fx22

When Firefox vil is set to Use custom settings for history, the following settings will be available:

  • Always use private browsing mode:
    If selected, Firefox will not remember any new history the next time it starts. For more information, see Privat browsing - Surf på nettet uden at gemme information om de besøgte websteder.
  • Remember my browsing and download history:
    If selected, Firefox will keep a list of the pages you've visited and the files you've downloaded. For more information about downloaded files, see Find og håndter hentede filer.
  • Remember search and form history:
    If selected, the text you enter into form fields or the search bar will be remembered so you can use those entries again. For more information, see Bestem om Firefox automatisk skal udfylde formularer med dine informationer.
  • Accept cookies from sites:
    If selected, Firefox will accept cookies from sites. Click Exceptions… to control whether some sites are not allowed to set cookies. For more information, see Block websites from storing cookies and site data in Firefox.
    • Accept third-party cookies:
      • Always: Firefox will always accept cookies from when you are visiting
      • From Visited: If you have visited previously, Firefox will accept cookies from this site when you are visiting, otherwise Firefox will not accept them.
      • Never: Firefox will never accept cookies from when you are visiting For more information, see Deaktiver tredjeparts cookies i Firefox for at stoppe nogle typer af sporing fra annoncører.
    • Keep until:
      • they expire: If selected, Firefox will allow the sites you visit to specify how long Firefox should keep their cookies.
      • I close Firefox: If selected, your cookies will be deleted when you close Firefox.
      • ask me every time: If selected, Firefox will ask you how long to keep a cookie each time a site tries to set one.

        Click Show Cookies… to display the Cookies window. For more information on the Cookies window, see Slet cookies for at fjerne oplysninger som websteder har placeret på din computer.
  • Ryd historik når Firefox lukkes:
    Certain saved items will be deleted when you close Firefox. Click Settings… to control what items are deleted.


  • Når jeg bruger adresselinjen ønsker jeg forslag fra:
    Adresselinjen er den vandrette linje der viser webstedets adresse (URL). Når du skriver i adresselinjen, vil Firefox vise resultater der matcher det du skriver:
    • Historik og bogmærker: Hvis valgt, vil adresselinjen vise resultater fra listen af websteder du har besøg og de websider du har bogmærket.
    • Historik: Hvis valgt, vil adresslinjen vise resultater fra listen af websteder du har besøgt. Websteder du har bogmærket men ikke har besøgt vil ikke blive vist.
    • Bogmærker: Hvis valgt, vil adresselinjen vise resultater fra listen af websider du har bogmærket.
    • Ingenting: Hvis valgt, vil adresselinjen ikke vise resultater der matcher det du skriver.