Can I change the default "no icon" icon for bookmarks?
I would like to choose an icon (such as the old firefox "blue dot" icon) as the default icon for bookmarks without their own icons, rather than the new "empty square" icon. I don't want to have to change each one individually because there's too many of them. Is there a way to change this in preferences, or to replace the default icon file?
All Replies (4)
1. Install the Stylish add-on.
2. Open the Add-ons Manager, User Styles category.
3. Click the Write a new style link near the top.
4. Paste the following in the style editor window that pops up.
@namespace url(http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul); .menuitem-iconic:not([image]) .menu-iconic-icon:not([src]), #PlacesToolbarItems .toolbarbutton-icon:not([src]) { width: 0px !important; padding-left: 16px !important; background: url("") !important; }
5. Place the cursor between the quotation marks in the above style. Click the Insert button, then choose Data URI and pick a 16×16 pixel image from your computer. The image will then be embedded in the style, in the form of base64-encoded text.
6. Click the Save button.
The style will affect the bookmarks toolbar and the Bookmarks Button menu. On a Mac, I'm guessing it doesn't affect the Bookmarks menu, because that's under the control of the operating system. It also doesn't affect the Library (bookmarks manager); I see no way to affect that in Styling a XUL tree, though someone else may know.
See also this thread:
Thanks for your help. Unfortunately I'm not confident enough with code to do anything since I wouldn't know how to undo it. Perhaps firefox will give a choice of icons to use in a future upgrade.
oldified wrote:
Unfortunately I'm not confident enough with code to do anything since I wouldn't know how to undo it.
In the Add-ons Manager, User Styles category, click the Disable button next to a style to turn it off. If you want to permanently delete it, click the Remove button instead.
As mentioned before, this requires the Stylish add-on.