How to Change Firefox to HD
Hi,I watching Iprime Movies & Many other Streaming Services A Notice appears on the screen ,Change youe provider(likes of Firefox) to Hd Please assist Thank you Darryl
All Replies (6)
What? Where the screenshot error? Firefox doesn't do streaming that comes from your streaming services. Contact them about your streaming issues.
That would be pointless I Connect to Iprime via Google & it works as it should If I Connect to the same via Firefox as the screen shot shows heir has to be a setting to select HD
What Firefox version are you using?
the lastest version on 12th December version
Video playback quality is based on your GPU if that isn't a dedicated GPU you will have issue with on demand video playback. Also check Firefox video acceleration option to see if that helps but streaming video should have a dedicated GPU for this in my opinion
I Doubt that as when using Firefox is when I have the trouble,If I use Google that does not happen also if I use Microsoft Edge I don't have the Problem THEREFORE IT IS FIREFOX