corrupted emails
I received on 2024-09-25 about a dozen messages from various senders in my Thunderbird mailer from the University of Calgary mail system, around 2 p.m. and at least 50 emails in about a 12-hour period starting on Sept. 19 at about 2 a.m. that had recognizable sender names and subject lines as well as time and date stamps, but were either replaced by text from emails sent years earlier or corrupted (encoded?) in some way. For example, the email below was supposed to be from "Physics and Astronomy general announcements" on 2014-09-25, 2:15 p.m. but note the date in the header. This corruption of new emails is happening at irregular intervals, and I would very much like to know why and how to stop it from occurring. It seems to me that there is replacement of the contents of new emails with old, possibly compacted, email contents, if that makes any sense. Emails read on my account at the University of Calgary webmail system shows no such corruption, so it appears to be a problem on my Thundermail mailer. Look I like to use Thunderbird as opposed to a clunky Microsoft system, so
any help would be appreciated. Thanks for your attention.
- Gene Milone encl.: "On 2024-09-25 2:15 p.m., Physics and Astronomy general announcements wrote: > --_004_a2e30ad69a88a96097bdb50ed206edaeucalgaryca_ > Content-Type: text/x-vcard; name="milone.vcf" > Content-Description: milone.vcf > Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="milone.vcf"; size=456; > creation-date="Wed, 10 Jul 2019 21:37:05 GMT"; > modification-date="Wed, 10 Jul 2019 21:37:05 GMT" > Content-ID: <6D8F7C2F6E8D294BB4BD7D7080C00767@CANPRD01.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM> > Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 > > YmVnaW46dmNhcmQNCmZuOkRyLiBFLiBGLiAgTWlsb25lDQpuOk1pbG9uZTtEci4gRS4gRi4gDQpl > bWFpbDtpbnRlcm5ldDptaWxvbmVAdWNhbGdhcnkuY2ENCnRlbDt3b3JrOjQwMy0yMjAtNTQxMg0K > dGVsO2ZheDo0MDMtMjg5LTMzMzENCnZlcnNpb246Mi4xDQplbmQ6dmNhcmQNCg0K >
All Replies (9)
No guarantees, but this sometimes works:
highlight folder, rightclick and select properties and then select repair
Thanks for the suggestion, but it does not help.
I've seen the exact same thing with two of my clients with completly differents pc. One has the problem on 3 computers with same profile. It's completly random and sometimes when a mail become corrupted, most of all are afterward. Closing and reopening Thunderbird works but not long. It seems to be just on display not the email itself which is corrupted.
Would you be willing to share corrupted folder with a developer?
I've tested more on one of the computers and when I fall on a corrupted mail, this time I have a blanked window. If I try to open it, it appears empty (no subject header, no message...). Before There was a header but no subject. All mails older appears empty. But not the youngest. In fact, now even after closing and reopening mails can't be seen no more. I'm gona try a repair on the folder which gona take time (18k mails). And a new error: (sorry it's in french) can't open sumary file for inbox. There can be an error on drive or path too long.
Can't share, it's not my computer and there's some questions of privacy. If can give some logs... I will.
EDIT: on the first computer, repair did not work
Thanks for adding more information.
Please see
I had about 19K emails in my inbox, originally, now down to ~13.5K, so sharing the folder is probably not in order. I can add though that since I raised the issue I have seen other individual corrupted emails popping up also. I note also that that the entire body of the corrupted email is affected even if the header, date, subject are still there.
I am wondering, though, if my recent attempts to cull email have been contributing to this. I sort on the "From" column, highlight a section, save them in a folder outside the mailer and then delete the bunch. I am wondering if the threads could somehow be affected. How or why other data would be inserted into the content of the emails remains a mystery, however.
Repair would have only resolved that one situation. has a potential fix if you want to try it and offer your feedback.
milone1, 128.3.3 is available with fixes. It would be great to have your feedback.