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update extension installed with GPO

Hello, I have a plug-in installed on multiple machines using group policy. The installation source is a link to <my_add_on.xpi>. My question is regarding the upda… (xem thêm)


I have a plug-in installed on multiple machines using group policy. The installation source is a link to <my_add_on.xpi>. My question is regarding the updates approach. If I replace the source file with an updated version, but keeping the name/link the same. Will Firefox automatically update the plug-in? Only found brief docs here: https://github.com/mozilla/policy-templates/blob/master/README.md#extensionsettings """

If you need to update the extension, you can change the name of the extension and it will be automatically updated. Extensions installed from file URLs will additional be updated when their internal version changes.

""" I don't point to a local file, but rather a URL. Does that make a difference. Or I'll have to provide the updates.json in the plug-in manifest that points to the latest version?

Thank you.

Được hỏi bởi pimenov 1 năm trước

Lần cuối trả lời bởi Mike Kaply 1 năm trước

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How to block Unhook add-on deletion

Hello, I want to increase my productivity and add Unhook: Remove YouTube Recommended Videos Comments It hides comments and suggested videos from YouTube, or more videos, … (xem thêm)

Hello, I want to increase my productivity and add Unhook: Remove YouTube Recommended Videos Comments It hides comments and suggested videos from YouTube, or more videos, but unfortunately I can delete or deactivate it easily. I want to prevent it permanently, and also add Cold Turkey Blocker I want to prevent myself and any user from deleting it, and then I will block access to the local group policy editor using Cold Turkey Blocker And when I do this through the local group policy editor I get an error message, please help me

Được hỏi bởi ammarnady 1 năm trước

Lần cuối trả lời bởi Mike Kaply 1 năm trước

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The Comcast hijacking of Firefox bookmarks without warning.

I figured out that Comcast hijacked all my Firefox bookmarks and moved them to their internet email platform. I still like and will always use Fire-Fox. I today removed… (xem thêm)

I figured out that Comcast hijacked all my Firefox bookmarks and moved them to their internet email platform. I still like and will always use Fire-Fox. I today removed all my bookmarks from the Comcast platform that were my Fire Fox bookmarks and only left their one and only email bookmark on Comcast platform. I can only assume this was a per-arranged maneuver and you were aware of this. I sure the long 4th weekend made time for a underhanded switch over for Comcast.

Được hỏi bởi Michael-Denman 1 năm trước

Lần cuối trả lời bởi Mike Kaply 1 năm trước