Thunderbird email forwarding changes my email background colour to the forwarded email's colour
Tbird 128.1.0esr (64-bit), Windows 10 64 bit
When forwarding an email, the background colour of the forwarded email is used for the background colour of my explanatory email above the forward so this changes from white to the background colour of the forwarded email. It also changes the indent to jam new text in my email against the page edge. This also happens in troubleshooting mode.
This does not happen with a reply.
Tbird 128.1.0esr (64-bit), Windows 10 64 bit
When forwarding an email, the background colour of the forwarded email is used for the background colour of my explanatory email above the forward so this changes from white to the background colour of the forwarded email. It also changes the indent to jam new text in my email against the page edge. This also happens in troubleshooting mode.
This does not happen with a reply.