Gmarks Add-on not working since most recent up date 20.0.1???
GMarks add-on simply does not work. Tried to uninstall and reinstall. Accepts log in but - nothing. No indication that this add-on would not function with upgrade. Can I roll back to earlier version until problem is corrected?
moderator corrected the title of this thread
All Replies (4)
hello hdienster, there are multiple other gmail-related addons available at addons.mozilla.org, these two for example:
maybe you can use one of them as a replacement...
I apologize - "GMarks" Add-on and not GMail
hello, according to the comment of the developer of the addon at https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/GMarks/sRQ-XEg5Q8o this was caused by a change in google's api, so it's not related to any particular firefox update that you'd be able to undo (firefox 21 is the current version now btw). at least he is aware of the issue and can have a look at it...
hdienster: Please edit your original question and change the topic from "GMail" to "GMarks" to avoid confusion.
Several discussions about GMarks not working and solutions that worked for some users below. The discussions go back several months and several Firefox versions. But, as philipp indicated, until the developer changes the add-on to address the known problem(s), you should post in or keep following Google Groups discussions on the topic.
Also - Google Groups specific Gmarks group - https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/GMarks