I need to know how to remove duplicate plugins/dlls from WinXP!
In looking at the list of about:plugins;
Quicktime looks like the following:
File: npqtplugin5.dll,npqtplugin4.dll,npqtplugin3.dll,npqtplugin2.dll,npqtplugin.dll Path: C:\Program Files\QuickTime\Plugins\npqtplugin5.dll,C:\Program Files\QuickTime\Plugins\npqtplugin4.dll,C:\Program Files\QuickTime\Plugins\npqtplugin3.dll,C:\Program Files\QuickTime\Plugins\npqtplugin2.dll,C:\Program Files\QuickTime\Plugins\npqtplugin.dll Version: State: Enabled
application/x-mpeg AMC media amc video/mp4 MPEG-4 media mp4 audio/mp4 MPEG-4 media mp4 audio/x-m4a AAC audio m4a audio/x-m4p AAC audio m4p audio/x-m4b AAC audio book m4b video/x-m4v Video m4v audio/mpeg MPEG audio mpeg,mpg,m1s,m1a,mp2,mpm,mpa,m2a audio/x-mpeg MPEG audio mpeg,mpg,m1s,m1a,mp2,mpm,mpa,m2a video/3gpp 3GPP media 3gp,3gpp audio/3gpp 3GPP media 3gp,3gpp video/3gpp2 3GPP2 media 3g2,3gp2 audio/3gpp2 3GPP2 media 3g2,3gp2 video/sd-video SD video sdv audio/x-aac AAC audio aac,adts audio/x-caf CAF audio caf audio/x-ac3 AC3 audio ac3 video/x-mpeg MPEG media mpeg,mpg,m1s,m1v,m1a,m75,m15,mp2,mpm,mpv,mpa video/mpeg MPEG media mpeg,mpg,m1s,m1v,m1a,m75,m15,mp2,mpm,mpv,mpa audio/aiff AIFF audio aiff,aif,aifc,cdda audio/x-aiff AIFF audio aiff,aif,aifc,cdda audio/basic uLaw/AU audio au,snd,ulw audio/mid MIDI mid,midi,smf,kar audio/vnd.qcelp QUALCOMM PureVoice audio qcp audio/x-gsm GSM audio gsm audio/amr AMR audio AMR audio/aac AAC audio aac,adts application/sdp SDP stream descriptor sdp application/x-sdp SDP stream descriptor sdp application/x-rtsp RTSP stream descriptor rtsp,rts video/quicktime QuickTime Movie mov,qt,mqv video/flc AutoDesk Animator flc,fli,cel audio/x-wav WAVE audio wav,bwf audio/wav WAVE audio
This seems a bit too much!
Should I uninstall and re-install Quicktime?
All Replies (1)
That is OK. That are all separate plugin files that each support different MIME types. You would have to check the properties of the files to see what types are supported. If you never will use specific MIME types then you can check the QT settings and disable these types. If you remove the files in QT then it is likely that QT will restore them at some time.