How do I delete a Security Exception from the list of items where 'Confirm Security Exception' has been selected?
I looked at all the previous solutions, some of which were the same., but they didn't answer my question.
Firefox 17.01 Ubuntu 12.04
If I go to Edit --> Preferences --> Advanced --> Encryption
it looks like 'View Certificates' is the likeliest place to look for the Security Exceptions resulting from me clicking 'Confirm Security Exception'.
I have looked at the five tabs on the next dialog box 'Certificate Manager', and the most likely looks like the 'Servers' tab.
On this tab, I can see that there is a button to 'Add Exception...', but nowhere to 'Show Exceptions', and the 'Add Exception...' button only provides means to add a new exception.
All Replies (2)
Correct: you can find the exceptions under the Servers tab. Unlike other entries, your custom exceptions should have the Server column filled out; this should make them easier to locate. Select an entry, then click the Delete... button.
Thank you Gingerbread_Man. I have done it but that's not intuitive, so I will need to keep your answer in my e-mail inbox for future reference.