my computer has suddenly started to talk to me and tell me what i'm doing--how do I stop it?
I have a Mac OS-10 which has operated smoothly for quite a while. This morning, for no reason I can figure out, an impersonal computer voice started to tell me where I was going, .i.e, when I'd go to one site, it would announce I was there. Every so often it will repeat "TEN FOUR FOX HAS NEW WINDOW." When I hit the caps just now, it said "CAPS LOCK ON" and just the reverse when I took them off. This is too creepy. How do I get rid of the voice that was never there until now? Did I somehow enable the voice by hitting a wrong key?
All Replies (3)
I suspect you accidentally enabled Voice Over.
Go to System Preferences. Click on "Universal Access". Click on the tab "Seeing" There is a button for Voice Over, make sure "off" is selected.
If it was on, you probably had enabled it by accident by pressing Command-F5 (or Fn-Command-F5).
Hope this helps.
Be aware that current TenFourFox versions no longer support plugins like Flash
Flash Player 10.1 Release Notes: (latest version for Mac G3 PPC)
See (Released 11/04/2010) Flash Player and (126 MB)
- http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/142/tn_14266.html Archived Flash Player versions
Duplicate of https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/questions/907504