Access Mozilla services with a Mozilla account

Firefox, Mozilla Account Firefox, Mozilla Account Viimati uuendatud: 04/09/2024 58% of users voted this helpful
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Mozilla accounts let you access Mozilla services on any device with the Firefox browser by simply signing in. All you need to create a Mozilla account is an email address and a password.

How do I sign up for a Mozilla account?

You can access the sign-up page on each Mozilla service, or visit the Mozilla accounts signup page and follow the steps below:

  1. Enter your email address and click Sign up or sign in.
  2. Enter a password and your age, then click Create account.
    We ask your age to meet the Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule of the USA legislation.
  3. When the Mozilla accounts email arrives, enter the 6-digit confirmation code.
  4. Once your account has been confirmed, sign in to your favorite Mozilla Service using your newly created account. After you sign up, you can also sign in and add an image to your profile.
If you have problems confirming your account, please see I'm having problems confirming my Mozilla account.

What services can I use with a Mozilla account?

The following Mozilla services are available:

What makes Mozilla accounts different?

At Mozilla, we put your privacy first. Any data you store on our servers is encrypted with your password, making it impossible for anyone without your password to read your data—even Mozilla. The benefit of this is that no one can mine your data to create a profile of you. However, it does require that you make a password that is both strong and memorable. If you forget your password and reset it, your storage is wiped clean and replaced with what is currently saved in Firefox on your devices.

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