SMTP Time out with security set to "normal password" for gmail account.
I just installed Thunderbird for the first time...
it didnt even download at 1 time from gmail
i am now getting a timeout issue for trying to send my first e mail... I CANT EVEN ADJUST ANYTHING to be able to try again with more time...
and i thought Thunderbird was supposed to be better than outlook... HMMM
i have the latest version of TB with win 10
i want to be able to send e mail without time out issues this is thanksgiving geez
Chosen solution
Generally, Gmail looks for Oauth2 authentication, not 'normal password.'
Read this answer in context 👍 0All Replies (16)
TImeouts occur for a variety of reasons, often for simple network overload. If you would post a screenshot of your SMTP settings, someone here may have suggestions.
ok so here is the pic
when i installed thunderbird i went through the simple process and everything said it was good and working before i had issues...
as i mentioned this is my first time really trying thunderbird i understand how to do a couple things in general but this is just not normal as i see it
i use gmail as a backbone server at this time..
i just dont how in the past everyone was making thunderbird as 1 of the best email clients to use but then when i decide to really try it, its not working the way an e mail client should
anyways thanks for your help Mark
Chosen Solution
Generally, Gmail looks for Oauth2 authentication, not 'normal password.'
ok ill try that see what happens
dont know if it will work
Are those the same settings you use on other email clients? They may be right, but seem unusual. I also normally see port 465 for Gmail, but your setup may be different.
i had normally use tls and 995 and 587 port numbers
i changed the thig to the oauth2 and the e mail was sent right away (THANKS)
i am very new to Thunderbird and the settings i tinkered with it a tiny bit decades ago when it first came out but just couldn't get used to it....
now for the last year i have been looking for something like it to try again since outlook was acting up with me...
been using a very old version of ms office till last year..
so now with Thunderbird i need most of the same features as outlook gave me...
btw is there away i can move the inbox file and identity to another location on my hard drive?
the last few years i would create a new pst file for each year so i didnt have a large file to deal with through the whole years
i was hoping there is a similar way i can do the same with thunderbird
i dont know what i may have to do here
thanks for your help and happy turkey day
Thunderbird has a simple structure that works well with Windows file explorer. To move your message folders else where, here are the steps: - click 'account settings' and then click the 'server settings' pane. The bottom line shows the location of the message folders for the account. Note the location. - exit TB and locate the folder it will be at c:\users\<yourid>\appdata\roaming\thunderbird\profiles\<profilename>\Imapmail (or Mail if POP) - COPY the folder and paste to the other drive - restart tb, go to the same 'server settings' pane, click the 'browse' button and change the setting to point to the new location. - exit and restart TB and verify that all is working ok. You can now delete the original folder - Now, at end of each year, you could copy the folder on the other drive and rename it
Side note: I encourage all users to periodically copy the c:\users\<yourid>\appdata\roaming\thunderbird folder to external drive, such as a USB stick. This, because some antivirus software attempts to interfere with Thunderbird updates and can corrupt the profile. With a back, it's easy to just copy this backup back prior to starting TB.
Thank you for your help
ill try folder location change soon and let you know...
Account autoconfig process, which you hopefully should have used, should have created the settings properly. You just provide your email address and password and, poof, you have a working account.
hello wayne,
i had tried the account auto config.... it didn't set everything right although i would see green checks like it was good
so far the e mail is working alright now but i have other questions as well... i am just checking 1 thing at a time
my next thing i am going to try and do is to move the inbox location in settings to a different drive and location 1 question i have with that is do i have to keep the same folder path when relocating the location to a backup drive. or another drive connected to my pc
If you're comfortable working with Windows File Explorer, it's easy. Just exit TB, locate the account in the profile folder in Imapmail folder or Mail folder and copy to another drive with any name. Then restart TB, click the account's server settings pane, click the browse button on bottom line and locate/select the new location and you're done. If desired, you can then delete that folder from profile. And, if you are NOT comfortable with Windows FIle Explorer, wait for a different solution. :)
THanks David,
I appreciate your help with this as i am new to TB and also want to get some extensions and understand how they work with TB
But first the inbox move
thanks again Mark
THANK YOU for the advice to back up my Thunderbird e mail on another drive... It Came in very very handy, as windows crashed on me... and i had to reinstall EVERYTHING
i am still getting Thunderbird working to get e mail (got that far) have to re add some extensions
so i have a couple more questions if possible 1. what would be the file to rename for say to add a new inbox for a fresh year *as i shared i try and minimize the e mail file so i do so by starting a new year new inbox
2. so i lost my address book in the crash (will explain the crash at the bottom of this) is there a future way i can back up the e mail address addresses and what might be a good extension as well?
3. i do plan to add additional e mail accounts 1 into the same inbox (might need help with that but will try that )
4 i do want to add a different e mail with its OWN INBOX i am still a little lost there
5 doesn't Thunderbird have inbox e mail rules so i can have e mails goto specific folders? been looking around for that grr (1 of my favorite things about outlook) i hate dragging e mail to folders from the inbox
Oh regarding my windows crash, i was given a pc for a great deal... just find a way to copy some files off it for the original owner who gave me the system :) its a windows 7 upgraded to windows 10 so at times i am finding there might be a bug in the system especially even the factory rest files.... the system is to old for any manufacture warranty or updating, the bug is NOT a virus...
this bug generally happens on the startup sometimes after a certain update of windows or even this past time weirdly enough a program i use and tinker with (plex server which my uncle is teaching me some things)
anyways thanks for any help Mark
ps i can receive e mail :) in thunderbird
1. If this is POP, you could highlight and archive the year. Or, from a mechanical perspective, you could click file>offline>work offline, and then exit TB and in file explorer copy the Mail\<accountname|inbox and inbox.msf to Mail\Local Folders and rename to inbox2023 and inbox2023.msf. Then delete all from the Mail\<accountname>\inbox in TB. A bit crude, but should work. </p>
2. Your addressbook is in the backup. click the tools>import>import from a file and follow the options
3 & 4. This is routine stuff. Just click file>New>existing email account and follow the menus. The unified folders option will make them all appear as a virtual inbox.
5. To disperse messages to different folders, look into tools>message filters.
And I'm very pleased that the back worked. :) david
hello david
thanks again for your help... i dont know for sure if i have that second e mail set up right to add to the main inbox (it has its own inbox which in the end i am ok with)
i still cant figure out doing inbox message redirection to other folders to minimize the inbox and move the emails to the folders i want...
on the upside i have been playing with that card box address book extension a little, still cant find away to add data to other fields that are not shown... but i have been able to create lists and categories..
the biggest issue has been the importing of addresses say from my cellphone has not worked right.. the fields dont line up and i dont get the data in the right fields
i tried everything import from cvs file or import from outlook cvs file etc nothing i am trying imports the addresses correctly
any ideas to try?
Simplest way I've found is this: - export a csv file from thunderbird. Then browse it in text editor or spreadsheet. This educates you to the header row that thunderbird likes/uses - then use that info to reformat your incoming csv to have the same heading and layout