Von Malware verursachte Firefox-Probleme beheben

  • Versions-ID: 60454
  • Erstellt:
  • Autor: pollti
  • Kommentar: Neuübersetzung - Teil I
  • Überprüft: Nein
  • Bereit zum Übersetzen: Nein
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Malware ist die Kurzform des englischen Begriffs "Malicious Software" und bedeutet "Schadprogramm". Dieser Begriff wird allgemein für Software verwendet, die dazu geschaffen wurde, sich unbemerkt und ohne Ihre Einwilligung in Ihren Computer einzuschleusen und/oder Schaden auf diesem anzurichten. Manche Probleme mit Firefox sind eventuell das Ergebnis eines Schadprogramms, das sich auf Ihrem Computer befindet, ohne dass Sie davon wissen. Hier werden typische Symptome beschrieben und erklärt, wie Sie sich vor einer Malware-Infizierung schützen können.

Wie finde ich heraus, ob mein Firefox-Problem durch Schadsoftware verursacht wird?

Die Symptome sind sehr verschieden und hängen von der Schadsoftware ab, aber wenn eins oder mehrere der folgenden Probleme auftretem, kann es gut sein, dass Sie Schadsoftware auf Ihrem Computer haben.

Wie verhindere ich, dass Schadsoftware installiert wird?

There are simple rules to follow in order to prevent malware from being installed on your computer:

  • Keep your operating system and other software updated: Installation of malicious software usually takes advantage of known security vulnerabilities in other programs, which may have been patched in later versions. Make sure you are using the latest version of each piece of software you use, including plugins using Mozilla's plugincheck website and Windows using the Windows Update feature.
  • Don't install untrusted software: Some websites offer you software to accelerate your browser, to help you search the Web, to add toolbars that make things Firefox already does. Some unwanted programs also come bundled in software packages. Usually, these programs gather information on your browsing behavior that serve only people who designed them and interfere with Firefox. Make sure you install add-ons from Mozilla's add-on website and you uncheck unwanted programs in software wizards.
  • Don't click inside misleading pop-up windows: Many malicious websites try to install malware on your system by making images look like pop-up windows, or displaying an animation of the website scanning your computer. For more information on detecting a misleading pop-up, see Pop-up-Blocker – Einstellungen, Ausnahmen und Problemlösungen.
  • Don't run a fake Firefox: Download Firefox from mozilla.org/firefox.
    Note: Please report misuse of the Firefox trademark in websites using the Mozilla's Violating Website Report page and in emails by forwarding them to Mozilla's abuse email.
  • Run anti-virus and anti-spyware real-time protection and scan your system periodically. Make sure your anti-virus and anti-spyware real-time protection is enabled. Scan your computer at least every month.

How do I get rid of malware?

The Apple Support article Harden your Mac against malware attacks has information and recommendations for Mac users. The Wikipedia article Linux malware has information and recommendations for Linux users. If your anti-virus and anti-spyware software hasn't detected malware, scan your system with the free malware scanning programs listed below. You should scan with all programs because each program detects different malware and make sure that you update each program to get the latest version of their databases before doing a scan.

Warning: Anti-virus and anti-spyware software may sometimes generate false positives. Consider quarantining suspicious files rather than deleting them.

If the problem still continues, ask for help in specialized forums for malware removal such as those listed below: