Why firefox is not available for any other mobile platforms except Android
Firefox released a mobile version of browser for only android leaving IOS and windows in dust there are users of other platforms who has firefox in them . I use a windows phone where IE and UC browser are good known browsers we neither have chrome or firefox especially firefox because my Desktop and laptop both have firefox as default. So, i request Mozilla.org to consider this plea and i hope that i will hear best soon
All Replies (3)
hello, i know of no ongoing development or efforts by mozilla of porting firefox to the windows phone platform. originally there have been technical and legal hurdles in the app store which discouraged mozilla from starting any developments in this direction. i don't know about the current situation, but since mozilla is now focusing its energies on creating firefox os as open source web-based platform, i doubt that you will see firefox on your windows phone device in the foreseeable future...
Mozilla is looking at making a browser option for iOS however it will still be pretty much a shell like the other iOS browsers. It will not be using the Gecko and JavaScript engines that the desktop and Android Firefox uses.
Mozilla in early days of mobile browser experimentation with Minimo several years ago did was made for the then Windows phones devices. When Mozilla started on mobile development again it made sense to develop for Android then whether there were restrictions on Windows devices or not.
Mozilla also has their own Firefox OS development which is being used on things like some phones and Panasonic Tv's.
I thank both the contributors for there valuable time and answering my question