Can icons be added to bookmark folders you make
when i make a bookmark folder is there a way to add a icon to the folder to make it stand out from all the other plain bookmark folders i make.
when i make a bookmark folder is there a way to add a icon to the folder to make it stand out from all the other plain bookmark folders i make.
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Yes, but it is complicated. Familiarity with CSS and userChrome.css code is needed and you would need a custom image to apply with the CSS style code; one for each unique folder icon you wanted.
You will have to use code like this in the file userChrome.css below the @namespace line.
The "Folder_Name" needs to be an exact match (case sensitive)
@namespace url("http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"); /* only needed once */ #personal-bookmarks .bookmark-item[container][label="Folder_Name"] { list-style-image:url('folder-icon.png')!important;-moz-image-region:auto!important; }
See also: