What information does Mozilla VPN collect?

Mozilla VPN Mozilla VPN Igqibele ukuhlaziywa: 100% of users voted this helpful
Akukho namnye oncedileyo ukuguqulela eli nqaku. Ukuba sele usazi ukuba kwenziwa njani ukulokhalayizelwa imisebenzi ye-SUMO, qalisa uguqulelo ngoku. Ukuba ufuna ukufunda ngakumbi ngendlela yokuguqulela amanqaku eSUMO, nceda uqale apha.

We do not log, track, or share any of your network activity. We only collect data required to keep the VPN functional and improve the product over time while strictly adhering to Mozilla's Data Privacy Principles.

Stop Mozilla VPN from collecting your data

Note: Opting out of data collection in both the Mozilla VPN client and the Mozilla VPN Extension (if installed) will also delete all historical information.
  1. Open the VPN, and at the bottom right, click the Settingsvpn settings icon icon.
  2. Select the Preferences option.
    Preferences VPN
  3. On the Data collection and use option, move the toggle to the left.
    Data collection toggle on
  4. All set! Mozilla VPN won't collect data from your device moving forward. If you want to enable Data collection, just turn the toggle on.

For more information about what data is collected, see Mozilla VPN Privacy Notice.

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