Unable to send email on one of three peronal domains - tech suppors says it's my end.
since 8/22/24 I have been unable to send email from one of my personal domains. Same install of T-Bird successfully sends SMTP via Gmail and my other domains. I receive… (ler mais)
since 8/22/24 I have been unable to send email from one of my personal domains. Same install of T-Bird successfully sends SMTP via Gmail and my other domains.
I receive the error shown in the first photo below. Sending of the message failed. An error occurred while sending mail. Outgoing server (SMTP) error. The server responded: us2.outbound.mailhostbox.com ESMTP not accepting connections.
I have been back and forth with the domain tech support. Here are the email content (parsed for easy reading)
Me > I am having difficulty sending email. > I can POP email without issue. > I am using the most recent version of Thunderbird; version 128.2.0esr (64-bit) > When I send (with or without an attachment) I get the following error: error as shown above > I have never seen this error before and cannot find it in your knowledgebase files. > My SMTP settings: > > server name: smtp.drachenfelspress.com > Port: 587 > Connection security: None > Authentication method: Password; transmitted insecurely > User Name: mcaputo@drachenfelspress.com
Tech: If you are able to download emails from our server but unable to send out emails through the same, then it is likely that your Internet service provider is blocking port 25 on your local network. For such ISPs, you must use their SMTP server to send out mails on their network. Customer Support - TH
WELL Since I was using 587 that didn't help at all.
ME the error says YOUR server, "US2.outbound.mailhostbox.com ESMTP not accepting connections." This is YOUR error, not my ISP. I was using port 587, my ISP does not block port 25.
Tech try non-SSL using the following: STARTTLS Auth Normal change server name to smtp.<yourdomain>.com
Me No change
Tech Try reducing TLS version back to 1.0
Me No difference. Restored TLS 1.3
Tech return to the mailhostbox.com server Port 587 STARTTLS Normal full username
ME ok, no difference. That is where we started, didn't work then, doesn't work now. (second photo)
Tech Try port 25
ME Same results
Tech <resets my password>
Me Did you reset my password overnight?
Tech To investigate the issue, we needed to reset the password for mcaputo@drachenfelspress.com, to enable us to configure the Thunderbird email client on our end. The temporary password is "Se!!P)iqk2" We have successfully created a Thunderbird account and were able to send emails through it without any complications. The configurations we utilized are displayed in the screenshot provided below: us2.outbound.mailhostbox.com Port 587 STARTTLS Normal full username
Then change your password.
Me I appreciate your response. HOWEVER the issue remains.
Tech We have already replied to you on this matter.
ME Tried sending on port 465 and it indicated "sending" but hung there. Using Telnet I am able to access the us2.smtp.mailhostbox.com on port 587 but I cannot trigger an AUTH login through TELNET. (see CMD screenshot below)
Tech What is your IP address?
ME It is not static, but today's is (IP address at the time given)
Tech We have done further testing by setting the ThunderBird email client for mcaputo@drachenfelspress.com to both SSL and Non SSL connections. We can see both the implementations being fetched correctly without any issues. <provides two sets of POP and IMAP settings>
ME I can POP successfully, have always been able to. Problem is with SMTP, outbound mail.
Tech Provides two incomplete setting combinations: us2.smtp.mailboxhost.com port 587 smtp.drachenfelspress.com port 25 Upon using any of the two implementations, SSL or Non SSL as configured above, there should be no issues in setting up the email client.
The SMTP and IMAP passwords (if asked any) will be the same as your current email account password.
We are unable to replicate the issue you mentioned. Customer Support - TH
ME I am unable to replicate your success. I still cannot SEND email.
Tech We have rechecked and can confirm that we are able to setup the email client on the latest version of thunderbird i.e 128.2.1 as well using the same IMAP settings as shared in previous email. We are afraid that we are unable to replicate the issue you are reporting after numerous tests from our end. As a suggestion, could you try to connect to your mail account from a different network or ISP? Customer Support - TH
ME Again, IMAP is not used on this account the issue is with OUTGOING mail. Tried both SSL and non-SSL settings for drachenfelspress.com outgoing mail will not send.
That's ALL I have right now. I am going out right now to try to send email from a laptop with a fresh t-bird install while sitting in a McDonalds on their wifi...