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ad blocker

I have windows 10, I have 2 browsers. google Chrome and Firefox. when I go to certain sights they say I have an ad blocker, I can not find one on chrome and looked here? … (ler mais)

I have windows 10, I have 2 browsers. google Chrome and Firefox. when I go to certain sights they say I have an ad blocker, I can not find one on chrome and looked here? I don't know why they don't show up if I have one? help

Colocada por Jaymee Swain 2 dias atrás

Credit Card Autofill

Auto fill for credit cards has not worked for several months now. The option is checked in the privacy and security tab. When try to pay a list of my cards comes up but … (ler mais)

Auto fill for credit cards has not worked for several months now. The option is checked in the privacy and security tab. When try to pay a list of my cards comes up but when I select one if doesn't auto fill. How can I fix that?

Colocada por safesite7 3 dias atrás

Microsoft Edge Appears to have taken over Firefox.

I noticed after a forced Microsoft Windows 10 update, AND whilst using CC Cleaner to clean out the cache, I was no longer prompted to close Firefox. I never opened Micro… (ler mais)

I noticed after a forced Microsoft Windows 10 update, AND whilst using CC Cleaner to clean out the cache, I was no longer prompted to close Firefox. I never opened Microsoft Edge and was not asked to close it to complete the CC Cleaner process. I don't want Mircosoft Edge and I especially don't like the feeling that Firefox must use Edge to operate. What can I do to clear this up.

Colocada por WOMANTIC 3 dias atrás

My old data doesn't seem to sync after Windows reinstallation

Hi! I've been a Firefox user ever since I've had an internet connection (probably around 2008). Whenever I would do a clean Windows installation every 1 or 2 years, I re… (ler mais)


I've been a Firefox user ever since I've had an internet connection (probably around 2008). Whenever I would do a clean Windows installation every 1 or 2 years, I remember I would have my passwords, history, and extensions synced. Today I performed a clean reinstall again after maybe 2 years and I don't have any of my old history, passwords, extensions.

I'm a bit desperate, I have really important stuff saved over the years. I use Tree Style Tabs and I've customized my browser client to fit my needs and it was perfect, but I seem to have lost everything and I don't know what happened. It didn't even cross my mind something like this would happen.

Is there anything I can do? I have old emails from 2018 and 2021 from Firefox Accounts which show I used the same email.

Today when I tried to log-in into Firefox Accounts from inside the browser (button at the top right corner) it seemed that none of my passwords worked, so I clicked the "Forgot email" password and set-up a better one, but once logged in there was no sync with the old data I had. Then I thought maybe I had the wrong account so I logged in with my Google/Gmail account but there was nothing there as well.

Is there something I can do? I really need my old history, passwords, extensions, etc. Especially now as I'm graduating from University and I have important events coming up.

And no, I don't have any local profiles any more since I did a full, clean reinstall on my primary SSD. But I remember I've never used local profiles, everything would sync up again once I logged in. Maybe forgetting and resetting my password logged out my previous session and I lost it forever?

I hope you can help me sort this out.

Thank you for your time!

Colocada por iacobut_cosmin 4 dias atrás

Google Calendar/Drive Error: "Couldn't preview file. There was a problem displaying this image."

When previewing an image that was uploaded to a Google Calendar Event, I get an error "Couldn't preview file. There was a problem displaying this image." I've spoken to G… (ler mais)

When previewing an image that was uploaded to a Google Calendar Event, I get an error "Couldn't preview file. There was a problem displaying this image." I've spoken to Google support and they suggested I reach out as when I try in Chrome, it works. Firefox is my preferred browser so I would love if I didn't have to switch to Chrome.

Troubleshooting Done: - Verified Firefox is up to date (130.0 64 bit) - Cleared cache and cookies, closed browser, reopened - Tried in 'Troubleshoot Mode' - Ad Blocker turned off - Uploaded test .png and .jpeg to see if it was a file extension issue - Uploaded smaller versions of images to see if it was a size issue - No issues when doing same steps in Chrome browser

Colocada por daylgreen 4 dias atrás

Surround audio not working

Hi, I've been wanting to switch from Chrome to Firefox for the longest time, but I can't do it since surround audio doesn't seem to be supported natively in Firefox. I'm… (ler mais)


I've been wanting to switch from Chrome to Firefox for the longest time, but I can't do it since surround audio doesn't seem to be supported natively in Firefox. I'm using a Logitech G733, with "Surround Audio" activated in GHub, and on Chromium based browsers, it works, I hear it when watching Youtube videos, Twitch streams..., but on Firefox, it defaults to stereo audio. I haven't been able to find any settings related to audio in Firefox, nor in the concerned websites. Is it a known issue ?

Colocada por albin.morel 4 dias atrás

Perfiles de firefox desktop

Tengo 2 perfiles para cuentas de correo distintas. He configurado Firefox para que al reiniciar se abran las últimas pestañas abiertas, sin embargo esto no funciona al ab… (ler mais)

Tengo 2 perfiles para cuentas de correo distintas. He configurado Firefox para que al reiniciar se abran las últimas pestañas abiertas, sin embargo esto no funciona al abrir cada perfil. Alguna solución ?

Colocada por RicardoRIGG 4 dias atrás


Often I can't access content indicated by a link in an article or email. I tried turning off the Firefox firewall, but it made no difference. Now I am unable to turn the … (ler mais)

Often I can't access content indicated by a link in an article or email. I tried turning off the Firefox firewall, but it made no difference. Now I am unable to turn the firewall back on.

Colocada por dockhall 4 dias atrás

Última resposta por dockhall 4 dias atrás

Videos randomly swapping between HDR and SDR

Hey, I just recently started using Firefox, and I've started to notice some odd behavior. When watching videos and reels on Facebook (Desktop version), videos will flip-f… (ler mais)

Hey, I just recently started using Firefox, and I've started to notice some odd behavior. When watching videos and reels on Facebook (Desktop version), videos will flip-flop between normal and really bright and washed-out. I'm currently on Firefox 130.0 on Windows 11, and I always have HDR on. The imagery is silly, but these two screenshots (using win-shift-s) are from the same video only seconds apart, and this happens on almost all of them. Not yet tested to see if it also happens on Youtube or Twitter videos.

Colocada por piccolo113 4 dias atrás

when I change my starrt up program in settings to default it still opens with MSN

I have changed my settings in Firefox to have Firefox the default when computer opens but it still opens with MSN which I don't want. Every time I go into settings even … (ler mais)

I have changed my settings in Firefox to have Firefox the default when computer opens but it still opens with MSN which I don't want. Every time I go into settings even after re-boot it still shows to start with MSN . I change it again and same thing over and over.

thanks for any help and I have a feeling I have to delete firefox and re-install but worried all my links and bookmarks ect will go away.

Colocada por Kathy Cotter 4 dias atrás

Youtube login will not stay logged on

Hello, I have done some looking into this issue, what I have found is it is a cookies and cache issue. However I have added youtube.com to the exceptions list for each … (ler mais)


I have done some looking into this issue, what I have found is it is a cookies and cache issue. However I have added youtube.com to the exceptions list for each cookies setting mentioned but yet every time I load youtube on a fresh mozilla instance it makes me send a verification to youtube on my phone, then loads a oops sorry we cant load this page with a youtube search bar on it. I can't figure out how to keep my sign in on youtube, and having to send a verification link to my cellphone every single time is getting tiresome. Any help would be appreciated thanks.


Colocada por grim.wolf1995 4 dias atrás

Firefox not remembering last download location but only from one site

About a month ago, firefox stopped remembering a download location, it's only on one website though. I can download from anywhere but there and it remembers the location … (ler mais)

About a month ago, firefox stopped remembering a download location, it's only on one website though. I can download from anywhere but there and it remembers the location but it won't from that site and that's where I download from the most.

Colocada por ret2gowv 4 dias atrás

Recently some fidelity sites stopped loading in firefox (but not safari) with nosniff error

I may have inadvertently changed some Firefox security setting, but don't know which one. Or, as likely, due to a recent Firefox update. I try to keep up-to-date. Here… (ler mais)

I may have inadvertently changed some Firefox security setting, but don't know which one. Or, as likely, due to a recent Firefox update. I try to keep up-to-date.

Here is the link and error log from Firefox (if I copy just the link to Safari, it works fine): The resource at “https://dmt.fidelity.com/privacy/v1/b/b.rnc?n=15&c=65&i=55ti80&p=prod&s=2348&d=8ER7InZlcnNpb24iOiIxLjAuMCIsImdhdGV3YXkiOiIyLjMuNjgyIiwiY2xpZW50SWQiOjY1LCJwdWJsaXNoUGF0aCI6InByb2QiLCJpbnN0YW5jZSUAYCI1NXRpOE0A8ApwYWNrZXQiOjcsIm1vZGUiOiJlbmZvcmNlVQDwDG9va2llcyI6eyJTdHJpY3RseSBOZWNlc3Nhcn8AsDEiLCJQZXJmb3JtWQAAowDTIiwiRnVuY3Rpb25hbBEA8kZUYXJnZXRpbmcgYW5kIEFkdmVydGlzaW5nIjoiMCJ9LCJlbnZpcm9ubWVudCI6IkFsbG93ZWQgRG9tYWluIiwicmVxdWVzdHMiOlt7ImRlc3RpbmF0EwHwAmh0dHBzOi8vcGR4MS5xdWFspwCUcy5jb20vV1JREADwJlNpdGVJbnRlcmNlcHQvR3JhcGhpYy5waHA_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_gw8RBlsB8gMiZW6uBQMlBjc3NDSAAg8RBkIP-AMKDwIBXC4zOYIDCQIBDxEGQ8A0NzE4OTQ2NjB9XX0” was blocked by OpaqueResponseBlocking. Reason: “after sniff: nosniff is true”.

Colocada por patrickpeterson1 5 dias atrás

Hover on tab does not show tab description after Firefox has been up for a while

What information that I can supply would be useful to help resolve the problem? I have seen the problem on both my old (ancient) Windows 10 desktop and new Windows 11 de… (ler mais)

What information that I can supply would be useful to help resolve the problem? I have seen the problem on both my old (ancient) Windows 10 desktop and new Windows 11 desktop. I have seen it on my Windows 11 desktop on version 129.0.2 and 130.0. I saw it first on the Windows 11 desktop as I am spending my time setting it up. But recently saw it on the Windows 10 desktop on 129.0.2. When I hover on a tab it highlights the tab (background lightens); but NO description or preview appears.

It works on both PCs when I first start Firefox.

Colocada por Michel 2 semanas atrás

Última resposta por Michel 5 dias atrás


RTX VSR still doesn't work at all. I have version 130 of firefox and no VSR. I've tried it on chrome and no issues there, it just works. I've always enjoyed using firefox… (ler mais)

RTX VSR still doesn't work at all. I have version 130 of firefox and no VSR. I've tried it on chrome and no issues there, it just works. I've always enjoyed using firefox and it bugs me that apparently this feature was added in update 126. Moreover there is multiple threads giving advice on how to get it working, I've tried all the methods and even then still haven't been able to use VSR on firefox.

Colocada por amadorhernandez690 6 dias atrás

after updates toolbar layout gets messed up and nothing loads

I've been struggling with this issue for a few months. After Firefox updates, my toolbar layout gets reset and I have to re-do it from scratch. If that wasn't bad enough,… (ler mais)

I've been struggling with this issue for a few months. After Firefox updates, my toolbar layout gets reset and I have to re-do it from scratch. If that wasn't bad enough, occasionally when this happens it also enters this state where nothing loads. All tabs just get stuck in blank screen "dancing dot mode". Yes, google, everything. To "fix" this, I go into troubleshoot mode, and back to normal again, and then it's "fixed"... until it happens again a few days later. I can actually rebuild my toolbar layout in under 15 seconds now, I've done it so many times. I've tried doing the 'refresh'. Many times. I've fully uninstalled and re-installed Firefox. I uninstalled plugins that I suspected might be the cause. Nothing worked. At best these measures kept firefox stable a couple of weeks longer. I actually gave up and tried other browsers for a while. Any insight is appreciated.

Colocada por introscopia 6 dias atrás

Última resposta por introscopia 6 dias atrás

firefox didnt like the drobox directory for downloads and now download wont work any more

I tried to download something from this website https://www.maxon.net/en/article/stamp-your-footage-onto-any-3d-solid?srsltid=AfmBOoqo9m0rrsDYUvZzXpyTs1uLPotn8tBr03C5c9iL… (ler mais)

I tried to download something from this website https://www.maxon.net/en/article/stamp-your-footage-onto-any-3d-solid?srsltid=AfmBOoqo9m0rrsDYUvZzXpyTs1uLPotn8tBr03C5c9iLl7mydQIP3AVM and told Firefox to save it to my dropbox desktop app. Some weird warning popped up about the fire path being invalid or something like that. So now when I go back and tryto choose a different download location, it wont download at all. I definitely remember having this same exact issue months ago and don't remember the solution. please help

Colocada por rachelcenter 6 dias atrás

Última resposta por rachelcenter 6 dias atrás