How to automatically label your new email masks

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The Relay add-on helps you create masks with website-based labels. For example, if you visit and create a new mask when subscribing to their newsletter, it will be automatically labeled as on your Relay dashboard.

You can create a label for a new mask automatically when sharing it with a website. Here's how:

  1. Click the Relay icon on the website’s email form.
    Label relay masks 1
  2. Select Generate New Mask.
    Label relay masks 3
  3. You will see the new mask in the email form and on your Relay dashboard. The label for the mask will be the website’s name.
    Label relay masks 2
Note: If the labels based on the website where you created your masks are not appearing, head over to your Relay account settings and ensure that the Enable account names for email masks option is enabled. Click Save to apply the changes.

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